Awful news....don't know how else to say it

this is fucking weird ... what a way to go out ... RIP DIMEBAG and the other victims !!!

will be blasting some Pantera in the car today !!!!!
man oh man,

this is definitely saddening news. I grew up with Pantera, coming from Texas. I saw them live way back in the day, even before anselmo was even thought of to be in the band. and I wake up to this...

This is such a sad thing to have to happen. He is our fucking John Lennon!!

RIP, Darrell.
Evil C. said:
man oh man,

this is definitely saddening news. I grew up with Pantera, coming from Texas. I saw them live way back in the day, even before anselmo was even thought of to be in the band. and I wake up to this...

This is such a sad thing to have to happen. He is our fucking John Lennon!!

RIP, Darrell.
Weird you chose to bring up John Lennon, considering yesterday was the 24th anniversary of his murder.
Or since he was so devastated over Pantera splitting that it drove him to murder, he should have sought psychiatric intervention. No matter how passionate about music people can get, it still amazes me how quickly fans can turn from harmless devotion to genuine insanity.
Papa Josh said:
Anytime. I've been hanging out on a lot of those boards lately...
I've been looking for a good one to hang at...but it seems every one I find required registration with a "real" email address. I don't have anything but right now, and I'm too stupid to figure out fucking Optimum Online (my provider) and how to set it up, since it's like a 30-part direction. LOL.

Got a good one that will let me use my Hotmail email?
J. said:
I apologize for sounding insensitive. But I think my comments were misunderstood. It depresses me like hell when I read of ANYBODY being shot and killed, no matter who they are. After all, everyone is someone's child.
I know exactly where you're coming from. Whenever people would display an outpouring of emotion over some celeb they didn't know, I'd always react similarly. However, I've come to recognize that people do identify with these celebrities, and the cold hard fact of the matter, we don't identify with people who we have absolutely no connection with. That being said, I sincerely hope all those directly effected by this senseless tragedy have the strength to cope with it.

J. said:
Hopefully something good will come out of this though, such as stricter gun laws. One can hope.
Sorry, but I believe this is faulty logic. There are well over 10,000 laws in this country that restrict gun ownership. The problem isn't legal guns, it's illegal guns. And no matter how many laws you pass, you'll never stop criminals from owning guns. You'll only stop law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves from gun-wielding criminals.

Dark One said:
I'm still in shock. Regardless of how you felt about the music, Dimebag was an American metal icon, his contributions have been influential and far reaching and I believe you are seeing that in droves today. I think this tragedy has affected many a metal fan in more ways than they could ever have visualized, including yours truly. This is a sad and terrible day for all of us.

I'm so proud to see the outpouring of affection, support and respect around these parts. You guys rule.

Rest in knowing you have had such a profound influence on the great community you are always a part of. Rest in knowing that your family, your friends (including Phil, who I am sure is just devastated right now) and your legion of fans are all lighting candles and raising a glass in your honor today because you mean so much to them. Rest in knowing that you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace Darrell.
Well said.

From a friend of mine on another forum:

Tributes from the metal community:

-Scott Ian of ANTHRAX:
"I am devastated as I'm sure we all are.
All I can convey at this moment are my condolences to Rita and Vinnie and the whole family.
My heart is with you.

"We lost Dime tonight.
We have no official details, and I personally am not saying anything.
I want to thank Shawn Sexton (Sierra Nevada) from for calling Chad Lee and I in Chicago and bringing it to our attention, first and foremost.
Right now, I myself, and the entire Doome Crew Inc., those I've spoken to, can't even begin to try to f**kin' assemble words in sentences to tell you guys how we feel.

Give us a few days to circle the wagons. Whatever comes across officially from the family will be conveyed, as always, humbly by us."

"This is insane and this is beyond travesty. This is beyond anything I've ever heard. This shouldn't happen in or outside of the rock and metal community. He will be missed and mourned as a person, as a musician, and as a friend."

"I'm speechless. This is totally unreal. Dimebag is a f**king legend and this is total bullsh*t."

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx offered the following: "Dime, I will never forget all the times you made us laugh. I'm so happy we got to spend the day together in London recently… We should all live our lives as full as you have. I will miss you, as will all of us... This is a sad day."

Rich Ward (FOZZY, STUCK MOJO): "Darrell was as nice as they come. During the times that I spent with him, I wondered why he played in such a heavy band. Not that he didn't have the ability to school all of us that dared to share a stage with him, but because he seemed like such a gentle and kind man. He had a great sense of humor and was someone that everyone in the room gravitated toward. He never carried himself like the big rock star that he really was, instead he came across humble and appreciative. I consider it a privilege to have known him, as he was one of the 'real' guys in the business and as Zakk [Wylde] would say, 'one of the boys'!"

Shaun Glass (SOIL): "Today I am saddened to say I lost my friend and hero it sickens me that someone would take away a person that brought so much joy to so many people. Love ya, Double D."

"My brother just called to tell me that Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed on stage tonight. Words cannot express the sadness I'm feeling right now and my condolences go out to Vinnie Paul and the Abbott family for their loss. This is a huge tragedy for the music world."

Orange County, California-based sextet BLEED THE SKY: "It's a sad day in heavy metal, Dimebag Darrell formerly of PANTERA, was shot and killed while performing with DAMAGEPLAN in Ohio. We would more than likely not be a band if it wasn't for him, and can't possibly imagine the pain that his brother and his family must be in. RIP, brother, heavy music will never be the same without you."
General Zod said:
I know exactly where you're coming from. Whenever people would display an outpouring of emotion over some celeb they didn't know, I'd always react similarly.
That was pretty much my point. You nailed it. I mean, at the end of the day, Dimebag was just a regular guy that you never met that happened to be in a band that you listened to. I'm not trying to step on anyone's emotions here, because certain people mean different things to everybody.

It just kinda rubbed me the wrong way, when everyone's all "RIP Dimebag" and "Metal will miss you", all the while 3 or 4 other people are dead, and yet no one gives a shit.

Maybe I've just become desensitized to violence, because I honestly can't think of any musician's death that would make me cry. The only ones that would come close are the musicians in this forum that I talk to on a regular basis, being Erik, Mike, Lehto, and Paul (Scald). If there are others, this includes you, too.
I agree Zod, with your comments on gun laws-- there are so many guns in this country no law will do anygood. THis is a cultural/social problem that has no easy solutions. People in this country are over medicated, under appreciated, poorly raised, poorly educated, and with no conception of love for another etc. I for one dont see anything changing anytime soon, Ive accepted it, but I see no problem with illuminating on whats wrong.

I substitute teach about 1 or 2 days a week, and let me tell you, these kids have many many more problems than my generation ever had. The Parents dont care, the kids dont care, school is like a prison, half of them are on medication-- i can only imagine how wonderful this country will be in 10 years.
J. isnt that the whole point though? That Dimebag Darrell was someone, he was a gifted icon to thousands of fans. Killing someone who is talented, who is famous, by some loser whose life means nothing, I think is the whole point. If this continues, who amongst the gifted will wish to entertain the masses? Why should they?