Awful news....don't know how else to say it

From Dave Mustaine, lead singer/guitarist, Megadeth:

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has issued the following statement regarding the death of DAMAGEPLAN guitarist Dimebag Darrell:

"There is nothing unique or clever to this post, and what I want to say has no doubt already been said throughout the metal community, by countless others whom were more closer to Darrell than me by now.

"However, knowing he was murdered tonight, I wish to thank and remember Darrell for his amazing life and the gift that he shared with me and so many other fortunates.

"I pray for Darrell's family and friends; specifically for their healing, their peace, and their understanding of this tragedy in this time of need.

"I send my deepest heartfelt condolences to the Abbott family, to Darrell's friends, and to the fantastic PANTERA and DAMAGEPLAN fans around the world.

"We must never forget his life, and his gifts, his genius, his terrific personallity, and the legacy he left behind to remember him by.

"Darrell, I will see you in heaven and I, like so many more, love you brother.

"You will be missed."
This is truely a very very sad day in Metal history. I’m kinda still in shock. Dime was one of my guitar hero's growing up. I've been out of them for a while, but they will always be one of the greats to me (white trash or not). Dime's playing was intense. I have the Vulgar Video and when he plays Domination live, and uses that palm muting to get that “screaming sound”... he pulled it off even better than the studio version.

I was a fan of Vulgar & Cowboys when they were new. I would sit for hours leanring every riff off of both those albums. Even learned the beginning of Cowboys from Hell, although I never got it quite as smooth.

This is truely a very sad day in Metal history.

By Demons Be Driven
New Level
Shedding Skid
Planet Caravan (Cover)
Message in Blood
The Art of Shredding
It Makes the Disappear

Darrell – Rest in Peace.
One Inch Man said:
I wake up this morning and it seems that yes, this still happened.


This is exactly what I was thinkin -- first thing when I woke up I came down here to make sure it wasn't a dream or some shit. So what if I never listened to Pantera anymore? I'm sad whenever I hear about someone being killed.
J. said:
That was pretty much my point. You nailed it. I mean, at the end of the day, Dimebag was just a regular guy that you never met that happened to be in a band that you listened to. I'm not trying to step on anyone's emotions here, because certain people mean different things to everybody.

It just kinda rubbed me the wrong way, when everyone's all "RIP Dimebag" and "Metal will miss you", all the while 3 or 4 other people are dead, and yet no one gives a shit.
Well, I can certainly understand where you're coming from here - but I think much of the outpouring comes from the fact that we are part of such a tightly knit community. I mean, when we all try to stop and let what happened soak in, we come to the realization (not everyone of course, but in general) that one of our own (and an important one at that) was taken and taken in such a needless, despicable manner. I think someone like Darrell's death connects with us on a much more personal level than John Doe's carjacking death downtown.

Now that certainly doesn't take anything away from the tragic nature of either event; but I don't consider it "thumbing my nose" or even "hypocritical" when I hear about carjacking deaths and so forth and don't have a deep emotional response. It's just that I simply don't feel a type of personal connection to those types of situations. But at the same time, I would never, ever have the attitude of "eh, what else is new?" towards such events. Also, if we were to feel the same way towards every tragic situation, regardless of personal connectivity, we would never be able to live a day of our lives in a normal and healthy way.
Dark One said:
Well, I can certainly understand where you're coming from here - but I think much of the outpouring comes from the fact that we are part of such a tightly knit community. I mean, when we all try to stop and let what happened soak in, we come to the realization (not everyone of course, but in general) that one of our own (and an important one at that) was taken and taken in such a needless, despicable manner. I think someone like Darrell's death connects with us on a much more personal level than John Doe's carjacking death downtown.
I totally understand this. But we lost more than one of our own. We lost 4 or 5. Dimebag, at least two fans, and then two unknowns are dead (unless the news has been updated).

I would think the fans' deaths would hit us more personally since that could have been any one of us.

Maybe I'd feel it more personally, regarding Dimebag, if I had been a fan of the band. But as is, his death is no more tragic than the others.
J. said:
I totally understand this. But we lost more than one of our own. We lost 4 or 5. Dimebag, at least two fans, and then two unknowns are dead (unless the news has been updated).

I would think the fans' deaths would hit us more personally since that could have been any one of us.

Maybe I'd feel it more personally, regarding Dimebag, if I had been a fan of the band. But as is, his death is no more tragic than the others.
Perhaps to you the fans' deaths hits you on a deeper level, but that simply isn't the case with the majority. Again, I would most certainly say that it was Darrell that the majority of the community connects with than the others involved. Like I said, the loss of Darrell is no more tragic that the loss of anyone else in this senseless act of violence, but like it or not, Darrell's is the loss that will be felt the most (in general). I mean, certainly not to the family and close friends of the other victims, but certainly on a general basis. If Vinnie had died as well, you would be seeing "RIP Dimebag and Vinnie" over and over again.

I don't think we are disrespecting the deaths of the others involved by showing an outpouring of thoughts and support for the one who's loss we are truly feeling.
speed said:
This is a cultural/social problem that has no easy solutions. People in this country are over medicated, under appreciated, poorly raised, poorly educated, and with no conception of love for another etc. I for one dont see anything changing anytime soon...
Yep. You hit the nail on the head. We have politicians who try to address problems with soundbyte sized solutions. People won't vote for candidates who tell them the truth. No one wants to hear that to balance the budget, educate kids, and prevent crime, means we have to pay higher taxes. Everyone wants everything done, but they're not willing to pay the cost. Beyond that, our population is so poorly educated, they continue to be manipulated into making bad decisions. Politicians don't seem to care about anything that happens beyond their elected term. I honestly don't believe that anything will change in this country, until the gap between the "haves" and "have nots", grows so enormous, that a revolution becomes realistic.

I don't like Pantera at all, but Vinnie Paul and Dimebag were excellent musicians and I respect them. This is a fucking tragedy, I agree to what Pyrus has said.
Here's an update (pasted from the Perpetual Motion Board) and link for those interested in continuing to follow the situation:

"Five people are dead. Dime, a crew member named Mayhem who jumped on top of Dime to protect him once shots started going off and was shot himself, the gunman Nathan Gale, and two audience members.

Vinnie, Pat, and Bob are alive. Vinnie has already returned home. Tour manager Chirs Paluska was shot and has been in surgery, he is apparently expected to make it.

I encourage anyone wishing to follow this story to check the link below, it's a thread on a message board specifically for the Dallas/Fort Worth metal scene, and many people have access to the band's management and even family, so the latest and most accurate news is available. The thread also contains many people's personal encounters and stories with Dime, and should give any of you a great idea of how amazing of a person he really was. Here's an interesting piece of news from the guy who handles shows for the venue where DP's last show was:

"As most of you may know, The show at The Ridglea was the Last Show Dime Ever played. At that show, there was this bizzarre woman that kept trying to get Wesley and I to let her talk to Dime. She tried several times , then left and came back with some video tapes in hand. She said she HAD to give them to Dime. She said they were some tapes that he needed to see and they were very important. She left again, never to be seen again. We didnt really think anything of it until now, and viewing the tape, its a preacher doing a sermon on prepering yourself for the afterlife. "Getting your life square with God" before you die. We are all sickened at the events of last night, even now i'm typing this while tears are falling on the keyboard. The thought of Mayhem sacrificing his own life to try and save Dime is the most incredible act of bravery.... but then again, that WAS Mayhem"
That there's a nice collage. Probably deserves a big pot leaf in the background though, haha.

I've probably seen that Mayhem dude on Pantera videos w/o realizing it, quite a friend.

What's up with the chick? Did she know her boyfriend was going to shoot Dimebag or something?

I'm incredibly sore from mosthing/thrashing/headbanging last night, haven't done that in like 10 years. Feels great.


Whoa, short attention span theatre for this post.
From Dallas Morning News about the shooter:
Gale has a minor police record in Marysville, said Police Chief Floyd Golden. He was pulled over for driving with a suspended license last month.

The tall, physically imposing Gale hung out at Bears Den Tattoo Studio, staring at people and trying to get them to talk about music and bands, manager Lucas Bender said.

"He's not wanted," Bender said. "The most pointless conversations."
Something one of the board's posters just posted:

"I read the other day that Phil stated that Dimebag should get his ass kicked. Not trying to stir up shit, but Phil has been fueling the fire almost daily in the rock press about how shitty the Abbot bros are. Now I am reading that he is devestated. Just makes you wonder how much a nut bar took those comments seriously and to the extreme. Bottom line, try not to talk shit about people, does notobdy any good. Thats the kind of shit that got Tupac killed."
Yeah one of my bros last night was blaming Phil because he keeps publically slamming the Abbotts. I'm interested in seeing Phil's reaction to this tragedy, that dude may be a dick but knowing his reaction to stuff like this he's probably an absolute wreck.
blaming Phil is idiotic. half the bands that ever break up have issues and stupid comments about the former bandmates. and then most of them find a way to bury the hatchet and reunite for stacks of cash when the time is right.

just because some idiot whose head is faultily wired supposedly took one of these comments as a message to wreak havoc, doesn't negate that for years and years, these guys lived closer together than most brothers, touring recording etc. All brothers fight now and again too, I'm sure Phil is in shock, because you can't negate all the good times they had together.
True, but Phil shouldn't have been calling out kicking the ass of Dimebag and Vinnie and other such threats. Obviously no direct blame should be placed on Phil, but this is another of example of him needing to keep his trap shut.