Awkward Situation thread

Interesting comment coming from an underraged kid who posted themself drinking booze on the internet!
Heres an awkward situation I put myself in just a few hours ago...

I mistakenly sent a picture of an exceptionally hot naked blonde chick to my 72 year old boss while I was taking a shit at work...

Hopefully he doesnt recieve picture messages on his cell phone...And if he does, this will be a highly awkward conversation...
The concept of 18 year old girls (or even 16 year old girls for that matter) as underage is so alien to me that I couldn't appreciate the full force of the story, unfortunately. I feel as if I missed out D:.
The concept of 18 year old girls (or even 16 year old girls for that matter) as underage is so alien to me that I couldn't appreciate the full force of the story, unfortunately. I feel as if I missed out D:.

Mort Divine?!?!?!?!
Given that the customers use them, I would never use the toilets at work. To piss in, sure, but I would never shit there. Sometimes it sucks holding it till I get home, but I don't think I could bring myself to use that thing.
Having separate bathrooms for employees is ftw.

Although I do always feel like a manager or someone is going to yell at me for wasting time while I take a shit.
I would never love you long time, your life seems devoid of future and promise and I don't wanna live in Lake Placid

I just said that because your asian. I do not have yerrow fever or whatever. Not into fevers.
Interesting comment coming from an underraged kid who posted themself drinking booze on the internet!

Interesting comment from a dude that said making minimum wage and living in an apartment > riding expensive cars and actually having money.

Your move, holy man. :V
Greys' story is fucking cool, stop being goddamn moralists.

On topic, I have probably a lot of those but today I remembered one from my childhood: when I was 12 or 13 I used to draw porn in school instead of paying any attention. Oddly enough it was all situated in public transport. My mother found the notebook, so yeah.

EDIT: There were various coitum positions using handles in buses and such. She didn't commented on it (well, what would she say).

Haha, I used to write pornographic rap lyrics in middle school. I did it just to be funny, but one day I left them in the pocket of my jeans for some reason and my mom found them in the laundary. That was an awkward conversation.
I just said that because your asian. I do not have yerrow fever or whatever. Not into fevers.

Enjoy your pink children, redneck!

This evening I was on the front step chatting with my neighbor when a mini-van rolled by slowly and this cute girl pokes herself out the window and flashes us. The awkward part is I'm not sure if she's legal and I can't stop thinking about her tits because they were absolutely magnificent.