Awkward Situation thread

That is awkward Grant. Ovch. But when I first started reading, I was going to guess you had walked into the ladies' toilet.

The story probably would've been twice as funny/awkward if that had been the case, but alas it was not.
That's no excuse, Dakryn and Sapurmat still post here!

Actually, when my daughter was a baby, I took a long hiatus from not only this forum, but the internet in general.

Im such a horribly awkward person. It's gotten to the point where I don't care anymore more, so now I just make things awkward on purpose. At least that way its fun.

Exactly. I'm constantly making people I work with uncomfortable, and I do it intentionally. For example, when I'm in the restroom and someone is in the stall, I start making loud farting noises. Sometimes, if I'm really bored, I'll pound on the stall door and then run out of the room.
I could use this as a chance to throw out a little whine/bitch: How brain dead can stall chargers be? Like how hard is it to check underneath a stall as you walk into the bathroom and see feet in there and know whether it's empty or not.

This is on the same level of imbecility as the people who just attempt to barge into a locked single user bathroom, and upon finding it's locked, continue to jiggle the handle.
This hipster guy I know always says that. But then again, he also married someone emotionally unstable just so she could come to Japan with him, and then they broke up and she saw a picture of him standing near me and accused him of leaving her for some Asian bitch, so it's true in his case.

Stall chargers are dumb. My bathroom annoyance is that I am the only one at work who uses the Western toilet in the teachers' bathroom (2 squatty potties, 1 Western style one) and at least 5 times a week someone shuts all the lights off while I'm in there. I usually clear my throat or flush the toilet to say "hey I'm here" but they never pay attention!
Every time someone stall charges I spend another 5 minutes sat on the toilet doing fuck all as a sign of protest. I just hope that the ratio of impatient bastards to polite people I involuntarily piss off isn't too terrible.
Given that the customers use them, I would never use the toilets at work. To piss in, sure, but I would never shit there. Sometimes it sucks holding it till I get home, but I don't think I could bring myself to use that thing.
Two girls with their Dad asked me to get them beer when I was coming out of a store. He would not get them beer, but said it was alright if I did(kinda dumb), they looked around 18,19 and said they were 18 at the house. I get a 30 rack somewhere else cheaper and we all went back to her dads. He had no problem with me drinking in her room with both of them regardless was 21. I was making out with his daughter on her bed with one hand down her pants fingering her pussy and he walked it and yelled something along the lines of 'SHE'S ONLY 16'. Dude ripped my shirt off and kicked me out. I was standing outside and did not have my shoes on and he pegged them at me really hard. I walked home without a shirt on almost getting lost even though it was still daylight because had no idea where the fuck I was and was twasted. Pretty awkward situation. I thought he was going to kill me to be honest. I almost pissed my pants.
That is the most white trash story I've ever heard, congratulations Death Delirium. That shit is straight out of "Gummo."