
But you like Ayreon?

Zach, yeah I know. The tracks I do like are *slightly* less painful. Not less cheesy, but better written. Compare, on Human Equation, the content of "Pain" to something like "School" and you'll get what I mean. As for SXJ, he really had nothing to say after the first few posts. After that it was just fun, and then the novelty wore off and I blocked him.

In other word he had no valid response; therefore, he stooped to immaturity by putting words in my mouth that were clearly contradictory to what I had already stated in my first posts. But it's okay, as long as he has admitted it...
The only flaming balls you'll see will be mine after a 4 hour jaunt at the Burrito Buffet, as I tea-bag you while you take your last breath! :lol: :)
(need to add some humor to this thread, or else a tampon machine :))

:lol: OMG, I fuckin' surrender, I was prepared to fight another day but you just rendered me useless. I cant stop laughing and the tampon machine is totally over the top. :notworthy
But you like Ayreon?

Much moreso than Zero Hour. I only like the Universal Migrator disks, THE, and I'm undecided on the new one...I can do without all the others. To my ears, Zero Hour is a band that tries way to hard to be technical/proggy and makes shit music in the process. They don't have anything to offer me musically, technically, or aesthetically. I admit I find it a bit funny that as anti-"wank" as you are, that's all I hear in them.
I really liked the first two ZH albums. The latest two albums really have not done anything for me though. I don't know if it has anything to do with the absence of Eric's vocals or what? There were actually a few tracks I found "ok" on "A Fragile Mind" and felt that the vocalist on it was alright. "Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond" was no good at all to me and I haven't listened to it purposely since hearing through it fully the first time. I thought Chris Salinas' vocals would be good for ZH but they just don't sit well in ZH with me.
Yeah, since that's their weakest album Zach. About O'Reilly... lmao. I'm a stickler for points not because I feel I can only win a tiny little victory, but because I'm OCD about not letting stupid shit slide, no matter how small. As for the pretentiousness, I attribute that to the medium of the internet. My word choice often sounds pretentious and condescending in type, but that is usually not my intention. As for the ignore list thing. Sure. I play for a while, and then I get bored wasting my time with some people, so I just remove them from my page. I'd rather not scroll through paragraphs of stuff that pisses me off because of how ill-formed, erroneous, or hypocritic it may seem to me. Better to just turn a blind eye and move on.
Ask, and Ye shall receive....
