Zach, yeah I know. The tracks I do like are *slightly* less painful. Not less cheesy, but better written. Compare, on Human Equation, the content of "Pain" to something like "School" and you'll get what I mean.
Again, subjective. I honestly think all of the human equation is pretty consistent in terms of lyrical content. It's not the writing that gets better or worse so much as the chapters and music.
As for SXJ, he really had nothing to say after the first few posts. After that it was just fun, and then the novelty wore off and I blocked him.
Well good for you for blocking him, and you're right that he had nothing new to say. But as Razor just pointed out, there's a damned good reason he had to keep repeating himself.
I'm going to say this very blatantly and flat out, and you're not going to like it but that's just tough titties.
As i've mentioned before in various threads here, i've been watching a lot of clips of the O'Reilly Factor on youtube, and the way you argue is a lot like the way he argues. Sure, you're not a staunch republican pretending to be "up the middle", but your style is very similar.
-Bill rides one small point that has no bearing to the overall issue. He does this because he can win one tiny point and make it known that he has won, then he wins the arguement by default. That's flat out bullshit and everyone else sees that except Bill.
-Bill comes off with a Holier than Thou attitude that he's always right, and no matter what points someone else comes up with, if they don't support his then they're wrong. No exceptions.
-If an interviewee says something Bill doesn't like or he gets bored (aka he's losing the arguement), he'll cut their mic.
I'm not saying this to flame you or bash you, but you seriously need to rethink your approach to getting your point across. It's getting seriously old.