Historically important to metal...? Never heard of this "queensrÿrche"... I guess that bands like Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath are "historically important to metal", but I don't know about this queensÿrche. It depends on what kind of impact it has had to metal music... And I really don't know if it's been that big if I've never heard of them. /(not that I know much about music, but still...)
This post is interesting.
"I dont know if its that big (of an impact) if Ive never heard of them" "not that Ive heard alot of music" [sighs and shakes it off]
Queensryche? One of the origional
heavy metal bands, released an Ep in 83 and full album - The Warning in '84. Hit everyone that was into
heavy metal hard in '88 with Operation Mindcrime and came to a broader audience with the more accessable Empire in '90. Impact ? pretty serious. They could also be said to be one of a kind due to no real copy cats that I can think of... they had their own thing going on... although (read below)
Have you heard Queensryche ? Of course you have, their influence exists in many current recordings.
Akerfeldt is a great singer, when he sings. I also feel he and Opeth
will be historically important, same as I feel Gildenlow and Pain of Salvation will be. The so called death growl carries no harmonic value and is monotone, so it is what it is. As good as Akerfeldt sings he doesnt have the dynamics of Tate... but so few do........

Opeth is, so far, the only band with cookie monster vocals that I enjoy and its because of the movement and feel of the music and his singing when he sings. So if this old Maiden, Queensryche, Savatage, Fates Warning, Megadeth, No Name, Symphony X fan can connect to Opeth... I would think someone that likes Opeth would connect with Queensryce. In fact I would say they carry a similiar groove in that neither took to the thrash or speed angle of metal. In fact, sitting here listening to Opeth right now I would say the similarities musically are astounding, though Opeth had many more influences to draw from than the origional creators of Heavy Metal. They also have a long ways to go before they kick more ass...
It kind of funny, but I have little doubt that a few of the previous posters, 20 years from now will be saying what a great band Opeth was and still is or "would be" and some young blood will be giving them the "dont give a shit about old stuff"... and they will sigh.
Look Watch Listen... thats what Akerfeldt and Gildenlow did.