heh, symphonyXjapan = Ayreon fanboy. Tell me which of the featured vocalists besides Astrid on Ambeon was "discovered" or "unknown" before their debut on Ayreon? Bovio you say? Tell me you never listened to Elfonia but you're a prog fan? Please.
He picks big names and it makes him something of an all-star carnival. It's diluted. It has great potential but falls short every time because without all that star talent, he'd have nothing. His music is average and his lyrics/concepts far worse. I enjoy the odd song that accidentally kicks ass though.
I didn't know opinions had feelings.
Confident people don't respond like you do out here so the hypocrisy of this incorrect statement of yours is comical....
Thanks for calling attention to it out...![]()
I have a question for Ken:
So if I have a particular opinion, and my second cousin twice removed and of Finnish decent is approximately 189cm tall, then how many days did James Cook actually take to sail around the coast of Australia?
Yea, Ill agree theres pick and choose for the best, but Ill still occasionally pop in "The Warning" and "Rage for Order" cassettes and listen through and through. They really were about "the song" and message and mainly the voice of Tate. However, as domestic or "commercial" as Empire was every song on that album is just put together so well, it showed their maturity and seasoning. Their not master musicians, or intrumental wonders, never claimed to be, just of bunch of dudes that wrote good songs and had their own sound and carved out one side of metal that is still present today. Their later stuff you probably have to be an old fan to enjoy it for what its worth but they have left metal in the past, however their metal roots still show underneath it all. I so wish DeGarmo had of stepped up for II and Stone stepped down, at least for the writting and recording, or all worked together at least.
Heres an old primitive song of theirs but its worth a listen if anyone is interested in what being a powerfull, expressive, emotional vocalist is all about. Geoff Tate in his prime ! SHIT! I cant find it... Lady Wore Black recorded most likely early 90's it was a professionally produced live video, not some cell phone shit and I cant believe its gone. I just found it two nights ago. Damn!
OK, we'll go for this instead '85, imagine that, I wov youtube. Dont tell me this wasnt metal and he's not up to par live, the bridge vocals of this song is killer!
My favorite Queesnryche song for some reason and its not metal, my love for the blues ? It just breaths the mood of the homeless or lost souls on the streets
Tate & Dio, 47 & 55
Like i said, his vocals have aged poorly, but he was king of kings back in the day. And a lot of Rage and Warning was great, but i can't listen to full albums most of the time. Still, Tate's vocals were fucking amazing, even if the songs weren't quite so.
Not trying to argue here or carry on the discussion, but I just dont believe you should say that. It indicates he cant sing anymore... "poorly" "was" "were" ? Simply not true, I just saw him and couldnt believe he could still do it. Those are some challenging vocal parts and hes still strong and delivers
wasn't near what he could do 15-20 years ago.
"No, he doesnt have the voice of a young man anymore or I should say the young Tate and thats what happens, but at nearly 48 he can still "bring the house down" and sings like no other."