
hahahahah passing up on it cause of one guest vocalist? He probably will only be on one song, which is why *I* will pass up on it. Too disjointed, overly ambitious... Ayreon can't make a uniformly GOOD album, even with 27 amazingly talented guests.
It is not just Daniel that puts me off. Unless some of these singers, Tom Englund, Simone Simmons for example, do something drastically different from the bands I have heard them in then it will most likely not interest me. I could be wrong though, The Human Equation was brilliant in my opinion. Can't say much for his other stuff though.:erk:
Well, we'll see what he has to bring to the equation and/or what Arjen brings out of him... however you want to look at it. Hopefully he gets a role where he must belt it out there so I can hear if he can really sing or not... lol (call me "BASTARD") I like what I have heard of the Human Equation and the song "Into the Black Hole" with Dickinson as well. There seems to be a little bit of Dickinson and LaBrie Im not accustomed to hearing in what I have. Maybe this comes from being out of their element and put to task in another. I also like alot of the vocalists Im not fimiliar with.

One thing Im not crazy about is the rapid exchange of vocal parts in some songs, but it comes with the territory I guess. What I like about "Into the Black Hole", is, its just Bruce and its all balls. Some of the stuff seems to rely on keys too much for my taste. Its not intensely complex music but mood capturing. I enjoy it but Im not a fussy pants like some of yous.......... weenies........ :heh:

ya'll would probably love it if everyone was growning in a hellish monotone, flesh dripping, booger hanging, cross eyed frenzy, summoning the corpses of hell to disembowl the guts of the living for use as floss between their decaying greenish black teeth......... but then I wouldnt listen to it........

yep..... Im feeling rare tonight.......
People do tend to go out of their elements on Ayreon albums, and to do different things from what they do with their own bands, so I think it's best to reserve judgment until hearing samples from the actual album.
01011001? seriously? This is either an unsigned binary 89, a split 5 3 or 5 9, or some other signed or unsigned binary or bcd number. Has Arjen finally owned up to his 1337 nerdiness? Maybe the computer will write the lyrics this time, they might be better...