
01011001? seriously? This is either an unsigned binary 89, a split 5 3 or 5 9, or some other signed or unsigned binary or bcd number. Has Arjen finally owned up to his 1337 nerdiness? Maybe the computer will write the lyrics this time, they might be better...

It's the binary number of ASCII symbol "Y". I believe it's about the Planet Y.
There's still a good chance it'll be the best release to feature Gildenlow since BE

Does this mean Im finally getting close to finding out the best Gildenlow work to listen to ? Seriously, all that "argueing"/discussion and not one steer toward the best Gildenlow. I do have some songs I like alot though, deleting the songs that annoyed me helped me appreaciate the other work that is quite good.


I found this from searching info on our boy Russell... I found it refreshing to read some professional reinforcement of my opinion.

The Symphony X webmaster informed me that guitarist Michael Romeo liked my music. I started listening to Symphony X and was blown away by Russell's voice.

I tried to get in touch with Russell, which wasn't easy but as soon as he had heard my music he called me a few hours every week! Russell has a very powerful and versatile voice, and on top of that he is a great musician and performer.

Russell was one of the few singers with whom I didn't need to be present during recording, but when on the phone he let me hear the parts he had sung, my eyes filled with tears. Russell thought I was joking, but I was truly moved! At the moment Russell is one of the best singers in the world. And he proved that during the Star One tour.


Some of you may have already read this along time ago or already had a topic on it but I just found it. So heres one from myself to Russell Allen :rock:

Another vocalist point of interest is: Last night Geoff Tate was to sing the national anthem at the football game in Seattle with implications that it would be broadcast on NBC. I'm no sports fan but I made sure I had NBC on for the beginning of the game and they skipped the anthem... Seems I should be able to have some kind of lawsuit against NBC for violating my patriotic instincts... no ? :lol: :rolleyes: Seriously I do feel robbed ! Now Im wondering if it even went down? Instead of airing the national anthem they did take the time to show some retireing football player hoist some flag... priorities are all screwed up in this country/world :mad:
Does this mean Im finally getting close to finding out the best Gildenlow work to listen to ? Seriously, all that "argueing"/discussion and not one steer toward the best Gildenlow. I do have some songs I like alot though, deleting the songs that annoyed me helped me appreaciate the other work that is quite good.

I dunno, hard to say without hearing the album. That statement was said half jokingly as the only PoS album since BE was Scarsick, which wasn't a very good album overall. I'm not necessarily speaking about vocals either.
Another vocalist point of interest is: Last night Geoff Tate was to sing the national anthem at the football game in Seattle with implications that it would be broadcast on NBC. I'm no sports fan but I made sure I had NBC on for the beginning of the game and they skipped the anthem... Seems I should be able to have some kind of lawsuit against NBC for violating my patriotic instincts... no ? :lol: :rolleyes: Seriously I do feel robbed ! Now Im wondering if it even went down? Instead of airing the national anthem they did take the time to show some retireing football player hoist some flag... priorities are all screwed up in this country/world :mad:

I hadn't heard anythign about this (thoguh i don't pay much attention to football most of the time), but if I had I would have made it to the hawks game just for that. :rock:
I dunno, hard to say without hearing the album. That statement was said half jokingly as the only PoS album since BE was Scarsick, which wasn't a very good album overall. I'm not necessarily speaking about vocals either.

No, Im talking about which PoS album would you recommend ? I kept three songs from Scarsick, I also think thats the album most of the songs I deleted came from too..... lol..... that Disco Queen had to go as well as whatever the Zappaish and middle eastern type song was... byby! no more ear pain.. lol Not that I dont like Zappa but that was Zappa, doesnt need to be revisited and I never could take a steady diet of Zappa either, he was way to silly for me. One of my friends had three of his works and was a huge fan.

Zack : I hadn't heard anythign about this (thoguh i don't pay much attention to football most of the time), but if I had I would have made it to the hawks game just for that.

Well, we... I was going nuts with the Tate thing last week cause I'm an obsessed worshipping fan boi so I played my Queensryche to death and searched around the web and found that on the Queensryche "news" site. Thats how I found out about it, sure wish I could have heard it, so I hope he showed, and I hope he smoked it. Maybe someone recorded it or got footage and it will show up on youtube.... No doubt, it would have been totally sick if he did the anthem 20 years ago... wait... how about along side of the LIVING Jimi Hendrix.... totally mind blowing.... :rock:
There are only a few tracks I like on Scarsick. For me, that album ranges from cool to totally unlistenable.

My personal favorite PoS album? Hard call because I love all of them (other than Scarsick obviously). Remedy Lane was my first of their's and I actually bought almost their entire discography based just on that. The Perfect Element is probably a slightly more accessible one to start off with though. I suppose if I were to give you my ranking of their albums right this second, it would be:

1. The Perfect Element
2. One Hour by the Concrete lake
3. Entropia
4. Remedy Lane
5. One Hour by the Concrete lake
6. 12:5
7. BE
11. Daniel's spoken bit in DT's "repentance"
12. Scarsick

my list would probably change up quite a bit if I were to try this again tomorrow though.
Damn didnt know they had that many.... Im gonna throw down the money one day and you guys are gonna pay if I dont like it... =}:-0

There's a fair bit of diversity between each release, but you should still be able to tell whether or not you like them based on 1 or 2 disks. Just don't get BE (a bit harder to get into than the others) or Scarsick to start with and you should be fine.
my uneducated guess being a confused undecided partial listener would be because they are alternative to much of anything else. So that is an attraction to people looking for something different. [I mean I dont get what people see in "death metal" either.] Theres no denying the talent or creativity. Some people like off the wall stuff maybe. Damned if I know but thats my guess. I think there to much talent to call them over hyped. There definantly a love it or hate it would be another guess. Im open to different but like I said I just had to get rid of some songs. I can deal with OK songs but if they are plane abrasive they have to go.

{ I still think hes missing one testical} :heh:
The first 5 Pain of Salvation discs are great and the hype is deserved....

Be and Scarsick have a few great moments along with some pretty bad ones...
my uneducated guess being a confused undecided partial listener would be because they are alternative to much of anything else. So that is an attraction to people looking for something different. [I mean I dont get what people see in "death metal" either.] Theres no denying the talent or creativity. Some people like off the wall stuff maybe. Damned if I know but thats my guess. I think there to much talent to call them over hyped. There definantly a love it or hate it would be another guess. Im open to different but like I said I just had to get rid of some songs. I can deal with OK songs but if they are plane abrasive they have to go.

{ I still think hes missing one testical} :heh:

Holy shit, I actually agree with a Razoredge rant! WTF!?!?! :OMG:

Except i like death metal... though the genre is getting tiresome for me at the moment. Still like my old standby's but I'm not horribly interested in finding "new" (read: rehashed) bands at the moment.