01011001? seriously? This is either an unsigned binary 89, a split 5 3 or 5 9, or some other signed or unsigned binary or bcd number. Has Arjen finally owned up to his 1337 nerdiness? Maybe the computer will write the lyrics this time, they might be better...
There's still a good chance it'll be the best release to feature Gildenlow since BE
Does this mean Im finally getting close to finding out the best Gildenlow work to listen to ? Seriously, all that "argueing"/discussion and not one steer toward the best Gildenlow. I do have some songs I like alot though, deleting the songs that annoyed me helped me appreaciate the other work that is quite good.
Another vocalist point of interest is: Last night Geoff Tate was to sing the national anthem at the football game in Seattle with implications that it would be broadcast on NBC. I'm no sports fan but I made sure I had NBC on for the beginning of the game and they skipped the anthem... Seems I should be able to have some kind of lawsuit against NBC for violating my patriotic instincts... no ?![]()
Seriously I do feel robbed ! Now Im wondering if it even went down? Instead of airing the national anthem they did take the time to show some retireing football player hoist some flag... priorities are all screwed up in this country/world
I dunno, hard to say without hearing the album. That statement was said half jokingly as the only PoS album since BE was Scarsick, which wasn't a very good album overall. I'm not necessarily speaking about vocals either.
Zack : I hadn't heard anythign about this (thoguh i don't pay much attention to football most of the time), but if I had I would have made it to the hawks game just for that.
my uneducated guess being a confused undecided partial listener would be because they are alternative to much of anything else. So that is an attraction to people looking for something different. [I mean I dont get what people see in "death metal" either.] Theres no denying the talent or creativity. Some people like off the wall stuff maybe. Damned if I know but thats my guess. I think there to much talent to call them over hyped. There definantly a love it or hate it would be another guess. Im open to different but like I said I just had to get rid of some songs. I can deal with OK songs but if they are plane abrasive they have to go.
{ I still think hes missing one testical}![]()