Babylon 5


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Are there any fans of the 1990's sci-fi series Babylon 5? I am a huge fan, so much so that i recently purchased all 5 complete seasons. It is a fantastic series with super actors, and a story line. Each season is on 6 disks with 6 episodes per disk, so I have a long road ahead of me to watch all episodes.

Oh Yeah, how many of you remember my daughter Mary who accompanied me to PPVIII? Well, I am a real proud dad right now, she and her boy friend Josh are getting married in Jan. I am so excited, as Josh is a great guy to have as a son-in-law. These two make a very cute couple, and will have a great life together or else hehehehehehehe. To quote Bill Engval, "Son, I am not afraid to go back to prison".
Great show. I plan to watch everything done in the B5 universe in order (as I skipped around when I used to watch the show). Its all on my queue.

And grats to your daughter.
My favorite sci fi show of all time. I picked up most of the DVDs about a year ago but still need to get season 4 (it was sold out at the time). The only unfortunate thing is the cheaper production values have not exactly withstood the test of time. The CGI is especially not very nice looking on larger HDTVs since it was created in SD to save money.
Best sci-fi show ever created IMO.... I have all the B5 stuff on DVD (Except the Crusade off-spin which I did have but found subpar) and still watch them regularly.... Congrats on the marriage thing....
I picked up the entire series on DVD about a year ago on sale for $20 per season.

I made it all the way to the end of the shadow wars before I stopped and just haven't had time to pick it back up yet.
Are there any fans of the 1990's sci-fi series Babylon 5? I am a huge fan, so much so that i recently purchased all 5 complete seasons. It is a fantastic series with super actors, and a story line. Each season is on 6 disks with 6 episodes per disk, so I have a long road ahead of me to watch all episodes.

Oh Yeah, how many of you remember my daughter Mary who accompanied me to PPVIII? Well, I am a real proud dad right now, she and her boy friend Josh are getting married in Jan. I am so excited, as Josh is a great guy to have as a son-in-law. These two make a very cute couple, and will have a great life together or else hehehehehehehe. To quote Bill Engval, "Son, I am not afraid to go back to prison".

Congrats, man! That's great to hear!

I was such a big fan of B5 back in the day that I went so far to join the B5 fan club for a few years in the mid 90s. They had some great swag and I got some cool things out of it, including a wicked poster and a tshirt that is so solid it looks pretty new 10 years later. Love the show, I just wish that JMS could write like he did back in the day and put out more quality stuff!
Love the show, I just wish that JMS could write like he did back in the day and put out more quality stuff!

His comic runs have been great. Unfortunately the reviews on Changeling haven't been stellar but you can't always blame the writers for the final product with so many hands that end up touching the original screenplay. He's got a lot of interesting upcoming projects though. World War Z could be an awesome movie.
I loved Babylon 5, The shadow war arc was my favorite with Sheridan and Kosh. I've seen the last couple DVD's they put out and they were okay but I've not been as interested as when the whole "if you go to zahadoom you will die" buisness was going on.

I've seen an anime earlier this year called "The Golden Age" which reminded me alot about babylon 5. It's alot to explain but if you like Babylon 5 you may enjoy this if the thought of anime in general doesn't make you cringe.
I loved the show when it was on, and watched all five seasons, but haven't since. Not really something you can just jump back into the middle of... Would be fun to watch it all again, but no way I'm going to have the time for a long while.
I'll pick the DVDs up eventually. I watched the show steadily for a while, then drifted away (some of the episodes had slid a bit in quality, like that one involving boxing....yawn).... When I picked it back up, by that time the plots had become so serial that it was difficult to get back into it.
Paul I kind of know what you mean. Due to various factors, I didn't watch it for a while. I came back and the Shadow War had just occurred. I had no clue what was going on. My friends told me about the Shadow War, to which I decided it sounded like one of the coolest things to ever happen on TV. So I pretty much watched it as much as I could after that.
You guys better be right about this, I just put Season 1 in my Netflix queue! :)

I remember watching B5 when it first came on, and not getting that interested in the first season, and being really annoyed by the aliens, especially the guy with big hair who talked like a second rate vampire.

But it seems like things may get more interesting, so I'm going to dive in again.

You guys better be right about this, I just put Season 1 in my Netflix queue! :)

I remember watching B5 when it first came on, and not getting that interested in the first season, and being really annoyed by the aliens, especially the guy with big hair who talked like a second rate vampire.

But it seems like things may get more interesting, so I'm going to dive in again.


We just went through this process on another board I post on. The first season is kind of boring but sets up both the universe and does eventually have ties to future events. Seasons 2, 3, & 4 are some of the best television out there if you can get through the first one. I'd never recommend skipping season 1 just because of how much it sets up for you. Oddly enough the guy who started watching it actually enjoyed season 1 but said this of the first two episodes of season 2: "the tone is so different and exciting"
Yeah. Season 5 was just sort of tacked on, because JMS really thought season 4 was going to be it, so he tried to wrap it up. I had trouble getting through the last season. Or at least more than the others. Season 1 was alright.