I just heard it too (thanks Tony). and I gotta say it's gotten worse....the guitars just aren't the same, a lot more wankery imo. and it's just too electronic in general. the rhythm also seems to have been simplified a bit....I just hope they made this catchy due to it being on Bam's compilation...and the other songs will resemble a little more of the old bodom..... go here if you wanna hear it.
well it's just a lame sample...I'm not gonna judge untill I heard it in full with a decent bitrate.

I like the new IF as far as I can tell now :P


the new in flames is SO disgusting. and it has been for a long time now. Anders should get shot for singing like that. his vocals alone ruin an entire album.
I just heard the song...well, I didn't like the intro, but I think overall it's an awesome song. I really like it.
Shame it's so different from their older stuff, but that doesnt make it shit imo.
I love the song.
I love the melodiessssssssssss in the new song. The beginning is shit, but im expecting a lot from the new album!!!!
What! What! What's going on with COB! I'm going to listne to that song and it better be awsome. Some say it's shit others think awsome....which is it?!! Ahhhh!!!!!!
well I think they really started to change with Whoracle. The first 3 albums (lunar strain, subterranean and the jester race) are gorgeous. But somehow I think anders' joining the band began to change them....although he did manage to pull off the jester race very nicely.

I think the first 2 vocalists in the band were MUCH better than anders. they gave it more of a black metal feel. i really wish they had kept their first singer. if i could choose my ideal vocals for a death metal band, it would be his.
^I've always been a fan of the new In Flames / three newest albums. I haven't listened to the old stuff that much. I love songs like Take This Life, Dial 959 Escape, Freefall..
then don't bother listening to the old stuff. it's more along the lines of true metal and not this new generic bullshit they've begun to put out.
Well for example song Leeches I think is magical, the feeling conjuncts perfectly with the song theme. Again I've not listened to the old In Flames much and I believe musically it's more original, but tastes vary.