Band recommendations similar...


Vocal Prince
Jun 18, 2007
So I have listened to S-X pretty much nonstop for the last two years with little time in between listening to Alice in Chains and other assorted artists. Getting a little bored musically and need some fresh ideas for bands similar to S-X that I may enjoy...hopefully someone will have a few great suggestions.

Bands I enjoy: S-X (of course), Alice in Chains, Pantera, Opeth, Porcupine Tree etc. I like heavy progressive a ton which is why I love S-X...his vocals are what attract me the most so that might help a bit (Layne Staley and Russell Allen are my two fav. vocalists if that helps). Don't care too much for Dream Theater or Circus Maximus style vocals, I enjoy the soulful gritty sound. I listened to some "Angra" after reading the recent post written about the band and do not care for it SO much but I like it better than Dream Theater if that counts for anything. Don't know how much there is to choose from out there, but maybe you know something I don't.

I love V. Love Odyssey. Anything with some balls and soul is what I'm after. If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE let me know! I would greatly appreciate it...need the new inspiration!
I enjoy Iced Earth and Metallica. Metallica I'm sure you know whats good. With Iced Earth check out Night of the Stormrider album and anything with the vocalist Matt Barlow, including their SUPERB live album Alive in Athens. They just came out with a new album in 07 with Barlow on vocals and its pretty good! With most of Iced Earth's albums, the last 3 songs are linked together kind of like a prog metal concept album.
Actually, the newest one with Barlow (Crucible Of Man) came out last year, but who's counting :p Speaking of Barlow, he might also like the latest from Pyramaze, great power/prog combo with the aforementioned balls and soul...

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If you're truly getting bored musically, then stop looking for similar band and try to expand your horizons. Or will you die if you try something you don't like?
Well okay I guess I worded it wrong. I'm not so much getting bored musically - I just wish I could find something similar to S-X seeing how everything they put out I enjoy. Going to try Iced Earth and Lemur Voice as soon as I can...hopefully something great comes of it!
You could try progressive metal stuff like Riverside, Devin Townsend and some Ayreon. Not exactly like Symphony X, but I love this stuff.
If you are truly looking for something with similar vocals to Russell Allen's then you are in for a hard search. The best match was already mentioned here, Matt Barlow, who can be heard in most Iced Earth albums and on the newest Pyramaze album.

Even if they are not real similar vocally I still have a couple recommendations of stuff you may like.

I never could really get into them before despite many praising them; however, I have recently started appreciated some stuff by Nevermore. Especially from this album, Dead Heart in a Dead World.


An older band, yet a classic to many....Savatage

It may not sound too similar to Russ, but talk about vocals with balls and soul..

I definitely back up the recommendation of Seventh Wonder. The singer has tons of soul, though he sings in a generally higher range than Russell.

Wander's suggestion of Rainbow is also great, as is anything else Dio/Heaven and Hell/Black Sabbath with Dio.

If you're looking for soulful metal vocalists = John Bush. Not that Armored Saint or Anthrax are progressive, but John Bush is basically a Temptations-style powerhouse belting out metal tunes. One of my top vocalists along with Russell. If you like Alice In Chains, check out Anthrax's Sound of White Noise or We've Come For You All. Armored Saint's Symbol of Salvation and Revelation are killer, better albums than the Anthrax material, but more 80's sounding.
Iced Dog - I owe you one! I checked out this thread because i'm always looking for new stuff. I listened to Seventh Wonder, as you suggested, and holy sh!t - this band is awesome!

Got any more recommendations - you're batting 1000 !
Sorry for taking so long to respond guys...worked from like 8 to 8 today; sucked.

"Seventh Wonder is an excellent prog metal band that is influenced by Symphony X...highly recommend their Waiting In The Wings album."

Thank you so much Iced Dog and Detective for backing him...the song/band you linked was amazing, very gritty ballsy prog vocals, love the music...great band you recommended - gonna be getting their disco here soon...very eager to hear more.

SXJapan - Thx for recommending those two bands, the Nevermore was awesome and am going to be getting some of their stuff asap - very heavy with amazing vocals - awesome recommendation! Didn't care too much for the Savatage though...

As far as Rainbow goes, I love them. Actually heard a song called the Gates of Babylon and was like - "wow this sounds like an oldschool S-X". Like the band a lot, just looking for more modern heavier music at this point in time...

Eyeballkid - I have heard a bit of Anthrax and most of it is a little...sporadic(?) for me, don't really care for Caught in a Mosh and I've heard its like their best song; maybe I just heard the wrong songs. I HAVE however heard amazing things about the album We've Come For You All, so I will definitely be looking that one up.

Kenneth R. - please anything you may recommend you think I may enjoy is welcome, not just prog. I just happen to love progmetal as much as shit like AiC so I'm down with diversity.

Thanks guys! Any other recommendations MORE than welcome!
Iced Dog - I owe you one! I checked out this thread because i'm always looking for new stuff. I listened to Seventh Wonder, as you suggested, and holy sh!t - this band is awesome!

Got any more recommendations - you're batting 1000 !
:lol: Alright, I'll try my best to keep my batting average up and avoid a sophomore pressure. I'll toss Anthropia into the ring, their debut album The Ereyn Chronicles Part I is some very underrated power/prog...almost reminds me of a cross between Symph X and Rhapsody, and the singer is like a melding of Kai Hansen and Dave Mustaine :D Anyway, here's one track for ya...

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OK - not a sophmore slump, however not quite my cup of tea. No keyboards!!

I'm really getting into Epica and Nightwish lately and really like the symphonic elements of both. Kind of why the last SX wasn't that appealing to me - for the most part they left of the symphonic, melodic parts in favor of hard-driving metal. It's cool for a lot of people, so no biggie, but not what I'm into.

Seventh Wonder may not have been 'symphonic' but the keys really adds another dimension.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendations!