Band recommendations similar...

...did he really? That's an interesting combination. I've heard his solo shit off of Terria and loved it, not much like S-X though. He's actually a pretty incredible musician all around, very talented; I love his solo stuff - don't really care for SYL though, saw the live w/ Soilwork a few years back and was just a little too crazy for me personally...
Actually, the newest one with Barlow (Crucible Of Man) came out last year, but who's counting :p Speaking of Barlow, he might also like the latest from Pyramaze, great power/prog combo with the aforementioned balls and soul...

The first link I must have skipped...LOVED this band dude. This vocalist is pretty badass...a nice lower tone w/ some nice raspy growls...lovin' it! Getting the newest album now! ..and this is Barlow singing in this band? Because what Iced Earth I've heard is NOTHING like this...but this dude is the closest to Allen I have heard yet, he's got a nice growly powerful voice...its excellent.
Same thing with Seventh Wonder...great vocals with some power, never knew they existed - thank god I asked for help lol.

estYMaj - Thank you for suggesting Myrath...didn't get a chance to catch this one until now and I must say they kick complete ass..cannot believe this is their first album. They sound a LOT like S-X which is of course, amazing for what I'm looking for at the moment. Great suggestion!
Well haven't had much free time lately but I've heard a few great new artists I am currently listening to such as Myrath, Seventh Wonder, Nevermore, and lastly Kamelot thanks to wild bill (?) lol. I LOVE what I've heard from Kamelot...while they don't have the toughness and balls I enjoy so much in Symphony X, they are very good and JUST heavy enough to keep my attention. Main thing about S-X I love is Allen's vocals going from heavy/ballsy to clean which almost no other band is good at or don't even try to do. Heard a song also that nobody recommended called Ghost Opera off of the album, really well put together song..also LOVED March of Mephisto. Definitely going to continue listening though, theres always many songs that creep up on me after I have listened to the album a few times through that I previously didn't really notice.

Well if yiur diggin Myrath and Kamelot check out this band
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Hell yes, Barlow is my favorite vocalist. Deep singing tone, growly/scary when he has to be, and can hit the fifth register with ease.
Check out the Iced Earth albums Dark Saga, Something Wicked, Horror Show, Crucible of Man, and of course! Alive In Athens. The band really shines live.

Have you heard of Pandora? Its given me some cool reccomendations. The only dumb thing about it is that it only allows you to skip 3 or 4 songs an hour.
Oh and to the original post.......this Myrath singer reminds me a LOT of Russell Allen so you may want to check them out yourself.
I think they changed singers after the cd was recorded so I can't wait to hear the new singer on the upcoming cd, I think he's the one we see in some Youtube live videos.
I'm not sure if they were mentioned before, but Adagio reminds me of Symphony X quite alot, their new album Archangels in Black has been hit or miss with alot of people with the addition of black metal elements, but their older stuff is alot like Symphony X.

That is their song fire forever
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I can't listen to these new prog metal groups, they all just sound the same to me. All pretentiousness and very little originality. DT sucks nowadays, so the only prog metal band I still am hopeful about is SX.;)
I think they changed singers after the cd was recorded so I can't wait to hear the new singer on the upcoming cd, I think he's the one we see in some Youtube live videos.

(Sorry this is so long But I thought some would find this interesting
The second message answers your question about the singer)

Just in case your still interested In these guys I wrote there manager to ask a few questions heres the 2 reply's i got
Email 1

Thank you for your message
I'm sorry that the release of DESERT CALL(Myrath new album) is delayed but I hope that your understand that it's beyond the band control
here is what happed:
the recoding of the album was completed in November 2008
because our producer(kevin codfert was busy with the release of Adagio album (he is their keyboard player and co-producer )he could not start mixing the album until March 2009
mixing of the album was completed in may 2009 and mastering in June 2009
because of summer vacation and summer festival s we had to wait till they are over to release the album
in the meantime we have received several proposals from various labels(including Brennus music our current label)

We are currently evaluating. All the offers and Hopefully we will sign with one of them during this month and release the album sometime in October 2009
We are very frustrated that it has taken so long but the music industry is a very slow process and we want to make sure to sign with the right label
I will keep you updated as soon as I have further details and trust that you understand the reasons which led to this delay
Thank you for your friendship and support

Best Regards
Ahmed Ben Arbia
Myrath manager

email 2

In the album HOPE the lead singer is Elyes Bouchoucha who is also the keyboards player (thats him on the streaming audio on myspace)

Since august 2007 we have a new lead singer his name is zaher zorgati (he is the one who sings in the video you can watch in Myrath Myspace)

Zaher zorgati is abvviously the lead singer on the new album- he added the melodic touch we were looking for but then of course it will all come down to personal taste some (mainly American fans) may prefer elyes type of singing probably because he reminds Russel Allen (he is still an important member of the band ,he does the back vocals and plays the keyboards)

It was never our intention to get a new singer However we had to think of the live performances so we needed a front man especially that elyes can no longer fully concentrate on keyboards, sing and make the show at the same time so when zaher became available we all agreed to ask him to join the band.(zaher being the most respected metal singer in Tunisia)

Elyes will continue though to sing a couple of songs from the hope album and do the backing vocals in all Myrath concerts

Zaher style of singing is a lot more melodic and suits better the new approach to metal we were looking for which consists in mixing western metal with traditional Arabic tunes

To this respect we have tried to come up with our own style by staying away from the symphony x influence mainly on the vocals side even though we are aware that most people like HOPE because it reminds them of symphony x ,(in a couple of tracks of the new album the symphonyx influence is still present)

like any other emerging band,we had to move on knowing that desert call (the follow up album to HOPE, the debut album) is always difficult in terms of fans expectations we may desapponit some fans but we are confident that we will win a lot more especially that the album is very balanced and is still in line with HOPE but much better in all aspects

I trust that it will meet your expectations
Well, I am going to hit you up with some moodier and more experimental music: Ulver and Kwoon. These bands are not similar, except in the sense that they have a very unique musical vision. (BTW, the Kwoon video is amazing and you should give it a watch even if you hate the music.)

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Kwoon were really good, thanks for the tip. Wonderful video. Ulver are great but I prefer Arcturus.

Kalisia released an ace album called Cybion.

This is the first song after the intro.
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