Bands like Down


Hail Satan!
I realy realy love Down. They are up there with Thrax and saint. Are there any other bands similar to Down. I especially like the song "where I'm Going" on Down II. Are there any bands that have slow songs like that... aside from Pride and Glory. any bands old or new.
thanks guys
metal comes in all different forms, some bands i guess are, the classics like sabbath, ozzy, maiden, preist. Not the fastest but defintly metal. but as for modern bands i cant think of many.
ever since down II came out(great album) my friend really got into these type of bands. some i can recmend. brand new sin( great band seein this sunday with shadows fall), alaba thinder puss??? i think, ornage gobiln, eye hate god , masadont,heres more but i forget check out brand new sin great band bro.
High On Fire (whom i saw with Superjoint Ritual Tues. night) are what I would call a more aggressive and less personal Down. By the way, the vocals are in the vain of Tom G Warrior, in case you're not into that sort of thing.

In fact, they cover Celtic Frost's "The Usurper" and at the show they closed up with Venom's "The Witching Hour". I really recommend seeing these guys and getting their albums. Somewhat impressive.
COC, Fu Manchu, Clutch, BLS, these are real good places to look for something similar to Down. Clutch's self titled record from 1995 is a classic, bona fide. COC has several great ones. I'm less familiar w/ BLS and Fu Manchu, but that have that sonic groove thing going on.
Originally posted by Jono
I like amorphis and cathedral but I can't see how either of them sound anything like Down. COC is a good suggestion I also think I should give black label society a try, and look for some other southern metal bands

Its not that they sound the same but have a "feel" or an ambiance to them and yeah the Fu Manchu is a good call. I saw a band called Halfway To Gone open for Nashville Pussy that has a really hard,groove, southern, swamp rock vibe to it. check em out if you can. Soilent Green would be another one you might like. (not the movie the band ;) ) but the movies not bad either.