Bands not mentioned here


New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2006
I've been trying to make a post here for quite a while now. My old account
was unable to post here. I've been an observer here for what seems like 4
years maybe 5. Been a fan of Opeth for a little longer, since just before
blackwater park. After I found Opeth I decided that they can't be alone, so I
looked for bands and that's my forte. I don't like overly brutal music and I
don't like music that has a total lack and indifference for melody or structure.

The better half of my musical taste came from this exact forum. The other
half, I'm not quite sure, but would love to share. I've a few bands that as far
as I know haven't even been mentioned here that deserve great attention

There website calls them brutal pagan black metal, but black metal will
suite them just fine. I'm not very good at summarizing bands so just check
them out.


This is their album spicilege, one of my favorites.

The first time I heard this band I was speechless. They are heavy, but
melodic. Absolutely amazing. They are signed on hyperrealist records. I
implore you all to check out their hosted mp3 and video at


They have two cd's conveniently labeled "first" and "second". I've only heard
the three songs on First, but judging from then Second must be amazing.
I'm too cheap though to spend the 12-ish dollars on a 3 track cd.

Forgotten Tomb
Not sure what they are, but they're pretty good. Deserve mentioning. The
CD Love's Burial Ground is pretty good.

Another black metal band. The album engraved in black is pretty good.

Septic Flesh
They were mentioned here a couple years back, but never since. They
have a great sound the album Sumerian daemons. One of my favorite songs, Faust.

Found this band on accident. They are an awesome Viking metal band.
Their cd Battle metal is a good listen.

This is another black metal band with a pretty good evil sound or whatnot.
Worth a listen. Their cd Wicked Charm is my favorite.


Another band that i believe has only been mentioned once, but they are
absoloutly amazing in every respect. The cd's 1184 and arntor are two
fantastic cd's. I love windir.



I know there's currently a "List your favorite metal bands here" thread, but I
never read those past the second page, so i don't expect anyone else to.
Plus this needs attentions. Specifically Belenos and Baroness. Can someone
please tell me why I hadn't heard of them for so long? I think these are bands
that any OPETH (there I mentioned them) should also appreciate.

i've been wondering if you swedes have heard the band hellfueled? those guys sound almost exactly like ozzy which automatically makes them kick ass.
Of the bands mentioned I have heard Graveworm, Turisas, Septic Flesh and Windir. Of these Windir stands head and shoulders above the rest. Likferd from 2003 was one of my top albums of the year. Shame they split up after the death of Valfar, however I have seen reports that the other members of the band have formed another band.
graveworm and septic flesh I don't really understand in that list, since I don't consider them that special, certainly not graveworm since they are a bit of a cradle of filth rip off most of the time ...

but idd, you mentioned some bands I'll check out for sure, Belenos hmmm :)
Prolly gonna get those windir cds of the end records...i downloaded a couple of tracks and its really great stuff for a one man band.
somethingfornothing said:
There website calls them brutal pagan black metal, but black metal will
suite them just fine. I'm not very good at summarizing bands so just check
them out.


This is their album spicilege, one of my favorites.
:Spin: They are one of my favorites!

Will have to check out Baroness though.
Anti-Everything said:
Nice heads up on them, but still :|

Thats awesome. I never thought jobs like that really existed, but I knew they they very possible. I would so do that :tickled:
I hate super-obscure bands that are supposed to be amazing. It just aggravates me that a band could be so good and nobody knows about them. Im not even going to act like ive heard any of these. Heard of them, but not actually listened. But only heard of them through people on forums that scour the internet for the most obscure shit.
EternalMetal said:
I hate super-obscure bands that are supposed to be amazing. It just aggravates me that a band could be so good and nobody knows about them. Im not even going to act like ive heard any of these. Heard of them, but not actually listened. But only heard of them through people on forums that scour the internet for the most obscure shit.

Right, so good bands are only bands that people know about? So what if a band doesn't play any shows and doesn't publicize themselves at all but creates the most amazing music of all time? Do they not deserve to have people hear about them? They obviously do if they can create the music... If you have to listen to only music that people have heard of to float your boat, thats fine, but don't rag on people who put effort into finding bands who create even better music.
I love graveworm, engraved in black completely owns.

Their coming around here sometime in June, it's gonna rule.
EternalMetal said:
I hate super-obscure bands that are supposed to be amazing. It just aggravates me that a band could be so good and nobody knows about them. Im not even going to act like ive heard any of these. Heard of them, but not actually listened. But only heard of them through people on forums that scour the internet for the most obscure shit.

Most retarded thing ever said.
Yeah just because something is obscure doesn't mean it sucks. And "obscure" is a very questionable term to begin with. To the majority of the world Opeth is obscure. Does that mean they are not worthy??