Bands That Have Gotten Progressively Worse With Each Album

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I have to agree with Opeth post Still Life- As much as I enjoy and respect the last three albums, they have not been up to par with Still Life and MAYH.

Some bands that have been posted I have to disagree with- Death, Amorphis, Nevermore- I dont know how anyone can think one of these bands regressed?
freddie said:
Soilwork sucks more and more, but the biggest sell-out is Machine Head. The first album is really good and the second one has it's moments. The rest is pathetic. Fuck Robb Flynn!

The quality difference between Burn My Eyes and Supercharger is apalling.
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Have to agree with Sepultura. Arise was their last truly great album.
And Death - my favourite is Leprosy so everything since then got slightly worse, although even their worst (TSOP) is still a fucking great record.

Still, most bands eventually hit a peak then go downhill after it, with only the odd album here and there bringing the quality back up - I include bands like Maiden, Jethro Tull, Judas Priest, Megadeth, WASP, Anthrax and even the gods themselves AC/DC - NO band can keep going for years and NOT suffer some loss of creativity (even Opeth will eventually bring out a dodgy effort).

Oh, Van Halen too - since Dave left :yuk:
Metallica , I Mean worse with EVERY ALBUM since Ride The Lighting
MOP was less good
AJFA worse
S/T worse etc...
Tiamat ... now I love Tiamat ... but um Judas Christ ... eewwwwww.
I dont mind Skeletron but it's been downhill since Wildhoney.
I don't really see how one can compare Scream Bloody Gore to The Sound Of Perseverance. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but the former is a steaming pile of shit compared to Death's last album....and i'm more of a death metal fan than a technical/prog one.
Cradle of Filth (love the first album, then it went downhill)
At The Gates (should've quit after "With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness")
Deicide (Peaked with "Legion", now are just mediocre)
Anathema? Sure fine day to Exit was good nothinhg great- but they really hit their peak with Judgment and Alternative 4. Both are excellent.
SculptedCold said:
I don't really see how one can compare Scream Bloody Gore to The Sound Of Perseverance. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but the former is a steaming pile of shit compared to Death's last album....and i'm more of a death metal fan than a technical/prog one.
I totally disagree. They started out with a reasonable imitation of Possessed and peaked with Leprosy (one of the purest expressions of the early death metal art). After that, they attempted to fuse mediocre death metal with simpering, Metallica-style "socially conscious" (read sentimental drivel) lyrics. Human was qualitatively superior to the previous album, but it was essentially obsolete before it was even released. More importantly, Human was a step in the wrong direction, and led inexorably and inevitably to the ego-worship and pathetic pandering to pseudo-intellects that marred their later releases.
In Flames
I still like most of it, but Colony is their best

Soilwork, although its still listenable aswell

Arch Enemy, Recently I have prefered Johan's vocals, I dunno why, more agressive maybe ?

Iron Maiden in a way, DOD is nothing on Brave new world, but Fear of the dark is a favorite, blah blah

Metallica, although I still like Reload
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