Bands That Have Gotten Progressively Worse With Each Album

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Planetary Eulogy said:
I totally disagree. They started out with a reasonable imitation of Possessed and peaked with Leprosy (one of the purest expressions of the early death metal art). After that, they attempted to fuse mediocre death metal with simpering, Metallica-style "socially conscious" (read sentimental drivel) lyrics. Human was qualitatively superior to the previous album, but it was essentially obsolete before it was even released. More importantly, Human was a step in the wrong direction, and led inexorably and inevitably to the ego-worship and pathetic pandering to pseudo-intellects that marred their later releases.
oh of course. I'm just talking about how the music sounds though, I could care less about what idealogical stance the band was attempting to adopt.
Planetary Eulogy sounds a bit like Dying Sun. Apparently Planetary is one of the few people who cares little for the music, as everything after leprosy and Scream Bloody Gore, was nothing but brilliant musically. Who cares about the lyrics? Hell one can hardly hear them- or care about them with such inspiring comlex music.

Death tried a number of styles as well- from the jazzy human, to the more classical individual thought patterns. Im sorry, but Death was a brilliant band, that only got more interesting with each release- chuck tried new ideas, without ever sacrificing the quality of the music.
Planetary Eulogy said:
I totally disagree. They started out with a reasonable imitation of Possessed and peaked with Leprosy (one of the purest expressions of the early death metal art). After that, they attempted to fuse mediocre death metal with simpering, Metallica-style "socially conscious" (read sentimental drivel) lyrics. Human was qualitatively superior to the previous album, but it was essentially obsolete before it was even released. More importantly, Human was a step in the wrong direction, and led inexorably and inevitably to the ego-worship and pathetic pandering to pseudo-intellects that marred their later releases.

So you feel that Death was at their peak when they were, as you put it, an "imitation of Possessed?"


IMO, the fretless bass lines alone from Individual Thought Patterns put Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy to shame.
ffanatic said:
So you feel that Death was at their peak when they were, as you put it, an "imitation of Possessed?"


IMO, the fretless bass lines alone from Individual Thought Patterns put Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy to shame.

I totally agree. Death got better and better with each release because Chuck always wanted to progress to something better he didn't want every album to sound the same. I just can't wait till the new control denied album comes out they said they were going to put it out.

R.I.P. Chuck
BalanceofPower said:
I totally agree. Death got better and better with each release because Chuck always wanted to progress to something better he didn't want every album to sound the same. I just can't wait till the new control denied album comes out they said they were going to put it out.

R.I.P. Chuck

Chuck Schindler was an amazing musician. He will be sorely missed. As far as Death's early CD's go, Leprosy was a fantastic CD. The only Death CD I never really cared for was their debut, Scream Bloody Gore (I ended up working thru their catalog backwards). I mean, it was certainly innovative at the time, but it never struck me as something I'd want to listen to often. Just my 0.02.
Planetary Eulogy said:
I totally disagree. They started out with a reasonable imitation of Possessed and peaked with Leprosy (one of the purest expressions of the early death metal art). After that, they attempted to fuse mediocre death metal with simpering, Metallica-style "socially conscious" (read sentimental drivel) lyrics. Human was qualitatively superior to the previous album, but it was essentially obsolete before it was even released. More importantly, Human was a step in the wrong direction, and led inexorably and inevitably to the ego-worship and pathetic pandering to pseudo-intellects that marred their later releases.

Yeh, music maybe.
SculptedCold said:
oh of course. I'm just talking about how the music sounds though, I could care less about what idealogical stance the band was attempting to adopt.
Music and ideology are inseparable, since the former is merely the outer expression of the latter. When ideology decays into incoherence, self-worship and pandering, the music too becomes worthless (as is the case with latter day Death). The end result is pretentious, noodly crap.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Music and ideology are inseparable, since the former is merely the outer expression of the latter. When ideology decays into incoherence, self-worship and pandering, the music too becomes worthless (as is the case with latter day Death). The end result is pretentious, noodly crap.

What about Classical music, then?
Planetary Eulogy said:
Music and ideology are inseparable, since the former is merely the outer expression of the latter. When ideology decays into incoherence, self-worship and pandering, the music too becomes worthless (as is the case with latter day Death). The end result is pretentious, noodly crap.

So you're upset that the band progressed? You're upset that when the early ninties hit and death metal appeared virtually over night, Death realized that they would have to do something else musically and lyrically in order to seperate them selves from the droves of other bands that came into being around the same time and to truly stand out in any meaningful and significant manner, in short, to make themselves matter?

Well, to each their own.
phyre said:

But... Prometheus... gah

As for The Haunted - I really liked One Kill Wonder, but it was too damn repetetive. Still, I thought it was much better than their earlier material.
ffanatic said:
So you're upset that the band progressed?
For the band to have "progressed," they would have had to do something both NEW and BETTER, instead, Chuck spent the last years of his career releasing third rate imitations of Coroner and the Cynic demos and regressing further and further into masturbatory guitar wanking. Death was able to separate itself from the field in the minds of its fanbase only because that fanbase consisted primarily of ignorant little shits who weren't aware that it had all been done before in the late 80's.
Planetary Eulogy said:
For the band to have "progressed," they would have had to do something both NEW and BETTER, instead, Chuck spent the last years of his career releasing third rate imitations of Coroner and the Cynic demos and regressing further and further into masturbatory guitar wanking. Death was able to separate itself from the field in the minds of its fanbase only because that fanbase consisted primarily of ignorant little shits who weren't aware that it had all been done before in the late 80's.

I'm sorry, I'm truly not getting this. So, you feel that the technical prowess, coupled with the socio-anaylitical idealogoy exhibited by the band in the post Leprosy days is inferior to the relatively simplistic style Death exhibited on their first efforts? For someone who knows as much about Death as you, you seem unfamiliar with the death metal genre. It thrived in the early nineties (*NOTE*-this list is not sub-catagorized, and for a very good reason: it doesn't matter). Morbid Angel, Deicide, Suffocation, Entombed, Cannibal Corpse (technically grind but they share the same idealogoy as early Death works), At The Gates, Disincarnate, Carcass (already established grind wise, Heartwork arrived in 1993) Edge of Sanity, etc. all emerged around this time or began to make their presence known around this time. Your definition of progression is flawed, as progression relates purely to style, and not to content. Death did not progress, they evolved. Chuck wanted Death to stand out in this array of bands, not blend in, and the answer was to be found in the thoughtful technicality of Death's later works (or "fruious guitar wanking/Cynic-Coroner clones, as you put it). Bah, this is all pointless as, musical taste is simply that. In the end, my views don't matter, and neither do yours.
ffanatic said:
I'm sorry, I'm truly not getting this. So, you feel that the technical prowess, coupled with the socio-anaylitical idealogoy exhibited by the band in the post Leprosy days is inferior to the relatively simplistic style Death exhibited on their first efforts?
The "socio-analytic" aspects are superficial at best, and amount largely to well-trodden criticisms of organized religion (which is not so much 'social analysis' as it is a restatement of the obvious). Most of the band's later content revolved around moody, self-obsessed introspection of the sort that wouldn't be all that out of place among popular pseudo-artists like Radiohead.

For someone who knows as much about Death as you, you seem unfamiliar with the death metal genre.
Child, I've forgotten more about death metal than you'll ever know.

It thrived in the early nineties (*NOTE*-this list is not sub-catagorized, and for a very good reason: it doesn't matter). Morbid Angel, Deicide, Suffocation, Entombed, Cannibal Corpse (technically grind but they share the same idealogoy as early Death works), At The Gates, Disincarnate, Carcass (already established grind wise, Heartwork arrived in 1993) Edge of Sanity, etc. all emerged around this time or began to make their presence known around this time.
Wow, you can look up the years of albums were released and work out a basic chronology (granted, you even managed to screw that up; Heartwork was a '94 release, unless you're counting the ep of the same name, which includes only one song [later re-worked] that appeared on the LP).

Your definition of progression is flawed, as progression relates purely to style, and not to content.
You can't separate style from content (that is, from ideology). Style is a PRODUCT of content, a secondary element to the expression of central ideas.

Death did not progress, they evolved.
Perhaps. Unfortunately, they evolved into worthless garbage.

Chuck wanted Death to stand out in this array of bands, not blend in, and the answer was to be found in the thoughtful technicality of Death's later works (or "fruious guitar wanking/Cynic-Coroner clones, as you put it).
So ripping off other bands was a way to stand out? Dying was the smartest thing the cunt could have done, it blinded his fanboys to the realities of the situation (namely, that Chuck's later work was slavishly derivative of other bands).
Planetary Eulogy said:
Music and ideology are inseparable, since the former is merely the outer expression of the latter. When ideology decays into incoherence, self-worship and pandering, the music too becomes worthless (as is the case with latter day Death). The end result is pretentious, noodly crap.
Which happens to SOUND good. How does one account for that simple fact?
SculptedCold said:
Which happens to SOUND good. How does one account for that simple fact?
Some people are attracted by ear candy. There will always be more of these than there are connoisseurs of genunine art. There are underlying structural reasons for this (hint: you might find the stupidity and consumerist leanings of the general population instructive in this regard), reasons which account for many (bad) taste-related phenomena (such as the enduring popularity of Madonna and the fact that every shopping mall in America has a Thomas Kinkade print gallery).
So ripping off other bands was a way to stand out? Dying was the smartest thing the cunt could have done, it blinded his fanboys to the realities of the situation (namely, that Chuck's later work was slavishly derivative of other bands).

You know what man you got ALOT of nerve saying that. That was totally uncalled for and unbelievable. How can you just disrespect someone like that who has done so much for metal and has been such a source of inspiration for so many people. You obviously aren't a musician because if you were you wouldn't disrepect a dead musician even if you hated his guts. I can understand if you don't like the guy or the band for whatever reason but come on man don't be an asshole and glorify his death.
BalanceofPower said:
You know what man you got ALOT of nerve saying that. That was totally uncalled for and unbelievable. How can you just disrespect someone like that who has done so much for metal and has been such a source of inspiration for so many people. You obviously aren't a musician because if you were you wouldn't disrepect a dead musician even if you hated his guts. I can understand if you don't like the guy or the band for whatever reason but come on man don't be an asshole and glorify his death.
Whatever, Chuck Schuldiner was a whiny, pathetic cunt, and there's no use dodging that truth. If you were truly a musician, you too would have zero respect for a faggot who would abandon his band in the middle of an overseas tour. Chuck was a pompous ass who never had an original thought in his life. He contributed nothing to metal and his only real talent was self-promotion. Fuck Chuck, and fuck his idiot fanboys.
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