Bands that have Piano work by the truckload?!?!?

Buy "An Evening with John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess"

Its a great album with guitar and piano. John Petrucci is guitarist from Dream Theater.

This album sounds much more classical than rock, but there are moments when Petrucci adds some metal into it. It's one of my favorite non-metal albums.

Click here for link
These are bands that have piano, not synth. Of course, it's probably a keyboard making a piano sound...but it's still piano.

Arcturus has a bunch of songs with piano as opposed to keyboard.
I second Winds.
Devil Doll has a lot of piano work, as it is mostly classically based.

"Om Hundrede Aar Er Alting Glem" by Borknagar is a piano instrumental.

Dream Theater also has songs with just piano.
Oh....and it might be worth trying out some of the prog Keyboardists solo work. I'm sure they do lots of just piano stuff. I'm just thinking of Derek Sherinan right now, but there are lots of them.
Barking Pumpkin said:
These are bands that have piano, not synth. Of course, it's probably a keyboard making a piano sound...but it's still piano.

Arcturus has a bunch of songs with piano as opposed to keyboard.
I second Winds.
Devil Doll has a lot of piano work, as it is mostly classically based.

"Om Hundrede Aar Er Alting Glem" by Borknagar is a piano instrumental.

Dream Theater also has songs with just piano.

From all the bands mentioned here Winds is the only one that uses real piano out of the ones I know of. Certainly not Dream Theater and certainly not Arcturus or any of these other black metal bands. Borknagar have used some real piano but it's not piano driven music like Winds.

Age of Silence also uses some piano although not as much as Winds.
honeylager said:
From all the bands mentioned here Winds is the only one that uses real piano out of the ones I know of. Certainly not Dream Theater and certainly not Arcturus or any of these other black metal bands. Borknagar have used some real piano but it's not piano driven music like Winds.

Age of Silence also uses some piano although not as much as Winds.

For some reason when I posted I was thinking the poster meant in keyboard with a piano effect.

But Devil Doll does use real piano, as well as many other classical instruments. It's a classical based band....masterminded by the genius composer Mr. Doctor.