Bands that improve


A Mind Forever Voyaging
Jul 10, 2001
Grave with a view
Here you will list bands that have consistently kept getting better throughout their career. Are there any with more than 3 albums which have improved without exception up until the end (or current stage) of their career?

Suggestions (feel free to argue)
Symphony X
Armored Saint
Ephel Duath
Jag Panzer (post 80's)
Destroyer 666 (arguably)
Negura Bunget
Nokturnal Mortum
I leave this thread for 12 hours and all you've got for me is Agalloch and Coroner? :erk: You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Pale Folklore is clearly the best, and as for Coroner, you've either never heard Grin or unfamiliar with the brilliance of their first 3 albums. As for Falkenbach Heathenpride is the only good thing about En Their... the rest is boring as hell and the latest one is consistently great. I agree with Mastodon.
Mournful Congregation is the only band that springs to mind.

I can't think of any other bands. It's pretty damn rare. Coroner though - WTF? RIP + Punishment for Decadence > anything else they even conceived.

Primordial are very consistent, but I don't know about getting better - TGW and STA are pretty much on par for me.
I disagree with Gorguts. From Wisdom to Hate is fine but a definite step down from Obscura
I would have nominated Death, but their pretty atrocious swansong release and the average Individual Thought Patterns are not up to par the rest of the band's catalogue

Summoning, maybe-though I don't really care for anything they released after Stronghold, this includes Oath Bound which I raved about some time ago, but it ended up average.
1) Kamelot.
2) Angra.
3) Primal Fear.
4) Sonata Arctica.
5) Heavenly.
6) Symphony X.

Uh, that's all I know. Most of the bands I like either stick to the same formula, or have gone downhill.
as for Coroner, you've either never heard Grin or unfamiliar with the brilliance of their first 3 albums.

Yes I'm quite familiar with the brilliance of the first three albums, but by No More Colour they had perfected their tech-thrash sound. With Mental Vortex and then Grin, the band matured and showed a whole new less-is-more side to their sound whilst retaining the core elements that made them Coroner. Grin is a masterpiece, and a fitting final album. The other newer songs on the posthumous self-titled release were also awesome, and a hint of the further greatness that could have been if they had continued.
I was going to start a similar thread. :)

This list should not of course, include bands that changed to another subgenre and the poster just happens to like that one more than the original.

Um, Esoteric, Tool and Primordial for me.
This is harder then I thought it would be. I honestly can't think of a band that kept getting better. Some bands were consistantly excellent but I can't say they were getting better with each release. And when some bands were close to fit this description I always seem to find an album that was a let down at some point in there career.
B.A.C.K is awesome Thrash for such a modern age it was released (1999. Very underrated and definitely their best album.
I would agree with Primordial BUT I feel they peaked with Spirit The Earth Aflame had a slight drop in quality with Storm Before Calm and then released The Gathering Wilderness which is absolutely amazing. I think their next album could very well be as good if not better than Spirit The Earth Aflame but we shall see (hopefully sometime this year.)