Bands that make you say, "What the Fuck???


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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This has been touched on before but in other threads (bands you think suck, etc...) & some bands I don't understand include the following:
Avenged Sevenfold_ I'm sorry. but these guys sound like Duran Duran/Big country/Green Day..trying to do Metal. the vocalist sounds like a whiny fuck and the band members names are so "cheezy" (Zakky Vengeance, Synster Gates, The worked for Motley Crue< Kiss, GN'R, but not you)

18 Visions_More of the same above. Hell Winger & warrant sound better than this.

Atreyu- I'm sorry, but total horseshit. Total cheese.

Nickelback-Most bands from Canada/Mother Canuckers are good (Rush, Voivoid, Triumph, Sebastian Bach, Slick Toxik, Martyr) but this sucks.

bl;oodsimple,fiveboltmain, senses fail, Aiden.

I'm sure there are others. Feel free to add.
Møøsticles said:
yeah man, nevermore is fucking awful.

That Loomis guy should really take lessons from Tom Morello. Damn Morello is SO good. Did you know he can play chords without drop d as well as with drop d? Talk about talented. Oh man, and I saw him play his guitar unplugged with the lead on the strings and all it did was make screeching noises. So inspired and inspiring. How do you even think of that? Blows my mind. Also he's really smart. On the news he said we should just ban terrorism and the republican party. Man that would like, solve all our problems. Then we could just deal with social issues. I don't know why no one has thought of this. He should be president.

So is anyone else FUCKING SICK of seeing Morello's name on ANY list of 'good guitarists' anywhere CLOSE to vai malmsteen satch clapton / whoever and others?
I know I am. And I always here the same argument, that "no one plays guitar like Morello, dude!" Yeah, unless you count Black Flag, Fugazi, etc., who he pretty much ripped. It takes a bit more than heavy of a distortion pedal to be a good guitarist.
I wish I could find that photoshop of a ratm album cover. Instead of the title it has tab, all notes on low E, says "-0--2--0----4--(repeat sign) OVER AND OVER" I had such a great frickin laugh at that.
Nice thread!

I'm gonna go with Cradle of Filth, pseudo-extreme music that makes me wanna punch somebody.

Good Charlotte and all their homeboys...pathetically made music, marketed to unstable teens...corporate nonsense at its best. WHAT THE FUCK :)
Birthofthewicked said:
H.I.M I hate that band in every sense

How can you not like a band who covered both Wicked Game and Don't Fear the Reaper?

There is one band that makes me go "what the fuck?", Muse. They gotta be the most pompous band in the history of music.
derek said:
Nice thread!

I'm gonna go with Cradle of Filth, pseudo-extreme music that makes me wanna punch somebody.

Good Charlotte and all their homeboys...pathetically made music, marketed to unstable teens...corporate nonsense at its best. WHAT THE FUCK :)

I actually like COF but that discussion topic has been exhausted on these boards :lol:
FretsAflame said:
So is anyone else FUCKING SICK of seeing Morello's name on ANY list of 'good guitarists' anywhere CLOSE to vai malmsteen satch clapton / whoever and others?

all Morello was ever good for was using really crazy effect pedals and sliding his hands on his strings to make it sound like scratching records. Other than that.. his riffs are decent and catchy but he couldnt hold a lick compaired to any the real guitar legends