Bands with Girl Singers?


New Metal Member
May 8, 2003
Is there any girl bands that I should know about? The whole band does not have to be girls. I'm just wondering if I know about all the good ones, or not. Some of my favorites are Within Temptation, After Forever, Nightwish, Darkwell, Theatre of Tragedy, Lacuna Coil, My Rain and a few others, but if you guys have any good recommendations please tell. I think I know about all the good ones, but there are always new ones to learn about. :cool:
Goldendexter said:
Is there any girl bands that I should know about? The whole band does not have to be girls. I'm just wondering if I know about all the good ones, or not. Some of my favorites are Within Temptation, After Forever, Nightwish, Darkwell, Theatre of Tragedy, Lacuna Coil, My Rain and a few others, but if you guys have any good recommendations please tell. I think I know about all the good ones, but there are always new ones to learn about. :cool:

In my opinion, since I don't like female vocals in metal, the only way a band can get away with having a female singer is if you can't tell she is a female. I can think of only two bands who satisfy this criteria: Sinister, and the greatest female-fronted (and one of the most bizarre) band of all time: NUCLEAR DEATH!!!
Off the top of my head... Edenbridge are great, uhhh, After Forever, Ambeon (not metal, but good) Beseech, Therion are good. Sorry if anyone mentioned any of these already.
Tristania is a good band

Otep is better than I expected- when they arent trying the whole rap metal thing- even then its better than their contemporaries.
epi5ode666 said:

humm... you have to liste to this ones.

Rain fellwithin (kind of progresive metal)
Aghora (kind of metal jazz.. very good band)

There are some others but i can't remember rightnow...

Female voices give metal an amazing contrast... the soft and melodic voices with hard-metal its just amazing for me. Of course, the standard agresive male voices will be the best for ever.
Not forget voices like: Angela Gossow and the girl in Sinister
Check out Sacralis, a German death metal band. They are all female actually, not just the singer. The vocals range from deep growling typical of death metal to those similar to black metal. It's a shame this band broke up though.
vic was 'ere said:
Check out Sacralis, a German death metal band. They are all female actually, not just the singer. The vocals range from deep growling typical of death metal to those similar to black metal. It's a shame this band broke up though.

I second this recommendation. Very amazing band and it is a shame they seem to have called it quits.