bands like katatonia.. but with female singers?

I think I'll stick to not giving them a chance. Three seconds was more than enough ...
this so much. people never give them a chance because its "that twilight song". decode as well as the latest album "brand new eyes" are just fantastic.

I actually never associated them with Twilight because that's one thing I never have paid any attention to. ever. I think I just assumed them to be one of those gimmick bands with the female growler, but I seriously never listened to them.

However, I had a quick glance at some of their other stuff and it wasn't as good IMO.
I actually never associated them with Twilight because that's one thing I never have paid any attention to. ever. I think I just assumed them to be one of those gimmick bands with the female growler, but I seriously never listened to them.

However, I had a quick glance at some of their other stuff and it wasn't as good IMO.

growler lol?
Within Temptation is my top favorite female fronted band. I don't like the over-the-top opera vocals of bands like After Forever, Edenbridge, older Nightwish, older Sirenia, Epica, etc. I also do not like "beauty and the beast" style vocals where the awesome female vocals are slaughtered by the terrible animalistic growls (Battlelore is just one of several examples, although for some reason it doesn't bother me as much in Leaves' Eyes). Female fronted bands I like must follow the same rules as the male fronted ones: if their vocalist is not appealing to me, then they won't impress me much. It's just that simple.

Now, as far as female fronted bands that sound like Katatonia goes....I don't know any in particular. One thing that makes Katatonia such an extreme exception in this genre is that (at least currently) they do not use the male grunting/growling stuff. Until I discovered their nearly perfect blend of melodic vocals with darker music, I always had to rely on female fronted bands (or Tool) to fill my desire for heavier/darker rock music without the "harsh" vocals. Lacuna Coil used to be awesome in their HALFLIFE EP - COMALIES days.

Autumn, perhaps, is the closest to Katatonia that I can think of. They do have a darker, more subdued sound and the vocalist (like Jonas) doesn't have a wide range, but her voice works great with the music. Here are a few of my favorite songs which I could imagine Katatonia doing (some of their newer/lighter songs at least).:

Angtoria is another decent female fronted band with a more brooding sound.

I also love tons of others like Lunatica, Brave, La-Ventura, Era For A Moment, Delain, Echoes Of Eternity, Delight, Evanescence, Lullacry, Fountain Of Tears, We Are The Fallen, The Birthday Massacre, etc. but none of those resemble Katatonia.
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in that case, check out Asrai, Unto Ashes, Faun, Stoa, This Mortal Coil, Tearwave, Bowery Electric, Melodyguild, Faith and the Muse...we are getting into darkwave and gothic rock, let me know if you want more
autumn is what i was looking for thankyou very much

Awesome! :rock: I love Autumn but they aren't too well known. They have like four or five albums out, but only ALTITUDE (their most recent) and MY NEW TIME (with the former vocalist Nienke, who sounds remarkably like Marja, their current singer) are readily available for purchase. I bought both cds about a year ago and really enjoyed their more subdued (but very melodic) style of rock. I love every song on both those albums so I'd recommend getting them if ya can.
in that case, check out Asrai, Unto Ashes, Faun, Stoa, This Mortal Coil, Tearwave, Bowery Electric, Melodyguild, Faith and the Muse...we are getting into darkwave and gothic rock, let me know if you want more

I'm going to have to agree here. I think a lot of darkwave bands come much closer than bands like Nightwish or Lacuna Coil to capturing the same mood as Katatonia. Good call on Bowery Electric, I've been listening to Beat and Lushlife nonstop lately. Perfect Darksex musics.

Massive Attack's Mezzanine is an absolute MUST for any Katatonia fan:

I'd recommend checking out the American band Autumn:

Lycia's Cold is excellent. The Burning Circle and then Dust is even better, but has less female vocals.
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I dont know if anyone mentioned them...but noone posted anything by them here.

I dont think any band sounds like Katatonia...but this band feels like katatonia to me.



bowery electric's self titled album is great xD i just listened to it. the second song by Amesoeurs is cool too. i love french stuff :P the other band called autumn is pretty cool too !
I agree. Apart from the Autumn band I recommended, this Trees Of Eternity is the closest sounding band to what I think the original poster was looking for. I do wish that she'd let her voice go just a little bit more, but overall very soothing to listen to. Good find, FJChaos. I'll have to keep an eye on this band for when they release an album.
Finnish band called 'For Selena and Sin' has recorded two albums, and they're both good. 'Ghost in the Family' was their first video from debut album:

'Heal' is the best song on debut album:

From 2nd album 'Primrose Path' I love especially 'Summer Hill':

Bit IMO there is really only one female fronted band that one needs to know -- The Gathering. All of the Anneke-era albums are brilliant, and latest one with new vocalist Silje (formerly in 'Octavia Sperati') is also very good.
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tbh I dont think much of the gathering or octavia speratti and for selena and sin just sound kinda fake..

the best bands I have found out of this thread in order of preference:

As Divine Grace
Bowery Electric
Trees of Eternity

As Divine Grace really is the only one that I felt sounded really unique though, I have listened to their album over and over, its ashame that it wasn't recorded better... Her voice is recorded very well though in my opinion.

"Supremature" (made in 1999) was also recorded in Pori but in an old villa on the seacoast. We used Jukka`s equipment in both recordings. Jukka recorded the bass at his home in Sauvo and vocals were recorded in Turku in a studio called Musamuusa. Also the mixing was made by this studio and that might have been our greatest mistake during the recording sessions. Maybe the stuff there is professional but they had no clue how to mix our kind of music; they were totally lost. Our first and last time using that firm! Anyway we want our next album recorded and produced by on outsider." (Ari Ala-Miekkaoja)
As Divine Grace really is the only one that I felt sounded really unique though, I have listened to their album over and over, its ashame that it wasn't recorded better... Her voice is recorded very well though in my opinion.

"Supremature" (made in 1999) was also recorded in Pori but in an old villa on the seacoast. We used Jukka`s equipment in both recordings. Jukka recorded the bass at his home in Sauvo and vocals were recorded in Turku in a studio called Musamuusa. Also the mixing was made by this studio and that might have been our greatest mistake during the recording sessions. Maybe the stuff there is professional but they had no clue how to mix our kind of music; they were totally lost. Our first and last time using that firm! Anyway we want our next album recorded and produced by on outsider." (Ari Ala-Miekkaoja)

You may want to also check out the album that As Divine Grace released prior to Supremature, Lumo. It is darker and doomier but still very good, and I agree that they have a distinct sound.
A lot of this doesn't sound like Katatonia, but represents REAL female vocalists who attempt to sing with actual emotion. Non of this is fucking pop metal with chicks who belong on the covers of Vogue and Glamour and who have terrible vocals to boot

I liked Supremature but Lumo from As Divine Grace is a lot better, In fact it's one of my favorite cd's

Also check out The 3rd and the Mortal, the original singer Kari Rueslatten puts on perhaps the best vocal performance on a metal album.

other metal recommendations; Ashes you Leave (first three albums), Tristania (first 3 albums), Madder Mortem, The Gathering, Theatre of Tragedy (Liv Kristines voice is not great but musically the first 3 albums are really good)

non metal - Love Spirals Downwards, Dead Can Dance, Lycia, Mira, Faith and the Muse, Bel Canto, The Moon and the Nightspirit
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I did somewhat enjoy For Selena And Sin. The 3rd And The Mortal were also pretty good sounding. However, I share in nat0's opinion on The Gathering. I can't hear what is so amazing about them. I bought MANDYLION a few years ago because I was always told that "it was the ultimate female fronted rock album". Honestly, it nearly bored me to tears. I think there were two tracks that I found worthwhile giving a few more listens. But nothing caught my interest from it enough to where I wanted to explore their other material any further and I didn't find the vocalist all that appealing either. :ill: I don't know... perhaps it was just hyped up way too high. I'll maybe blow the dust off of it and give it another chance one day, but I was nowhere near impressed with The Gathering based on that album.