Bands you feel are overrated

I'm just wanna bring up that bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, Trivium, iLL Nino all fuckin suck ass big time. fuck those bands to hell, seriously. regardless whether they are overrated or not.
I'm just wanna bring up that bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, Trivium, iLL Nino all fuckin suck ass big time. fuck those bands to hell, seriously. regardless whether they are overrated or not.

Sorry for having better taste than you :lol:

I lol'd like a fucker. Keep on believing that, champ.

I'M a troll? You're the one that said Metallica songs are easy to play then posted those laughable videos as if they somehow prove you're the next Marty Friedman rather than a young girl who's only just started playing guitar.

Should probably take my own advice, but: Ignore the shredcunt. He was a retard on the COB boards, he's an even bigger one here.
Almost none of the bands that the n00bs have labeled as overrated are actually overrated. I'm pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to find actual metalheads (not hard rock fans who can't tell the difference) defending bands like A7X and Disturbed.

What does that have to do with my opinion on Black Sabbath or Metallica?

And on topic: Disturbed.

How was Disturbed "overrated"? No one over the age of sixteen living outside of a trailer ever gave them any respect. They were considered a second tier nu metal band, and nu metal was a genre that generally did not receive respect from media, critics or the general population.
How was Disturbed "overrated"? No one over the age of sixteen living outside of a trailer ever gave them any respect. They were considered a second tier nu metal band, and nu metal was a genre that generally did not receive respect from media, critics or the general population.

Don't know how it was over there, but 1-2 years ago everyone here seemed to love Disturbed, metal people and non-metal people alike.
Don't know how it was over there, but 1-2 years ago everyone here seemed to love Disturbed, metal people and non-metal people alike.

That's amazing. Here they were basically considered a Korn knock off. Some people liked their singles- at least thought they were catchy, but I didn't know anyone who was a legit "fan". Perhaps they're more popular elsewhere. Or perhaps they've become more popular and I didn't notice.
There are several songs on those albums that are basically straight-up, highly-polished metal. Disturbed is cool by me.


"We're like Voivod and we use a logo that looks like their logo so love us for being new thrash that doesn't sound like Municipal Waste or Skeletonwitch."

They're overrated in the sense that people think thrash metal stopped developing after 1986 and are therefore perceived as revolutionary, but any necrophilia that doesn't involve the party-thrash feces of Municipal Waste & kin is at the very least an improvement.
Vektor really doesn't have a ton in common with Voivod musically. Black Future is one of the few thrash albums of the past decade to be worth a damn.
Yep, it's more late 80's Destruction with some occasional jangly Voivod-y melodies here and there. Which is basically what Obliveon did in 1990, but oh well.