Bands you feel are overrated

Into Eternity are insanely overrated. everyone claims they're amazing and they get on all these tours but i've listened to them and its just shred that doesn't even sound good and is wanking like none other for a huge part of the song or really boring riffs.
Not all of their songs are mindless noise. Listen to I lit Your Baby On Fire or You're A Cop. You can't tell me those songs aren't catchy. When they play mindless noise, they do it on purpose but they also have a few catchy ones as well.

Also try 'Tim is Gay', '311 Sucks', and 'I Just Saw the Gayest Guy on Earth'.
Yeah, origin/location does matter in that sense, since sometimes bands of the same genre from a certain country do tend to sound similar (old school Swedish death metal and Polish death metal perhaps being the best examples of this). I also think it's cool if a band is from an obscure country with a small scene, though this obviously has no impact at all on the music. A death metal band from Togo would be pretty cool, wouldn't it?
slayer, necrophagist, opeth, iced earth and immortal are all bands i find to be vastly overrated. i mean i can see why some people like them, but they are not for me. i think there talented and good but not as good as certain people like to prattle on about. im not knocking these bands, or the people who like them, just to me they aren't as great as everyone claims they are. a few good songs but not many hits, not the same as iron maiden or bodom.
you know what i mean, by hits i meant popular songs. slayer has a few i cant really name any to be honest.

cannibal corpse is another HIGHLY overrated band in my opinion
I don't see how Immortal is overrated..... at leat they released more quality albums than Emperor, Dimmu Borgir and other well known norwegian bm bands.
you know what i mean, by hits i meant popular songs. slayer has a few i cant really name any to be honest.

cannibal corpse is another HIGHLY overrated band in my opinion

I agree but Butchered at Birth was one of the best albums ever.
Most everything else is overrated,esp. with Corpsegrinder doing vocals now.:Smug:
Each to their own. But I respect Corpsegrinder far more then Chris Barnes, purely because he doesn't need to smoke a joint to sing.

And he sings better to boot.

And on that vein, I'm going to say early Cannibal Corpse is overrated. I much prefer their newer albums. Even if Tomb of the Mutilated is one of my favourite albums still.
I don't understand why Primordial are so hyped. Each of their albums contains one or two awesome towering epics and the rest is rubbish which consists of inferior versions of the better songs. And the vocalist uses the same intonation in every song.
If anyone think USBM is overrated, you should check out Blood Storm, they are simply an amazing celtic frost influenced band, and far from every depressing bedroom crap.
I think most people are sick of you bashing everything possible so maybe you should get some balls you pussy.

uh, I don't bash EVERYTHING. just stuff that sucks. I like a wide variety of metal, from black to power to death to doom. saying that I bash 'everything' is a bit short-sighted, don't you think? think before you type.