Bands you feel are overrated

re: grindcore, i figure ive given enough bands enough chances to prove me wrong. but at the end of the day, it seems to be just bastardised german thrash cross death metal, with everything good about the two genres taken out of it.

You're obviously not fucked up or sick enough to enjoy it. I doubt any Grind fan would ever admit to being even vaguely normal.

Which could be viewed as a good thing, I guess.

I think rind by itself is pretty terrible but I've enjoyed handful of grindcore influenced bands like Impaled Nazarene and early Bolt Thrower... They got a lot better when they got rid of the grind influence but whatever.
Best post of the thread. 99% of USBM is fucking copycat garbage. Fuck USBM.

Agreed somewhat. Xasthur, Weakling, Leviathan and all that burzum-worship stuff is absolute shit. There is however the other school of USBM, Profanatica and Demoncy are excellent bands, check them out. Krieg has moments of brilliance but overall i could never listen to them very much.
as far as Immolation, they're ok, but Incantation is better.

Please. Incantation had one good album which was evil and heavy as fuck, but it was a tedious listen nonetheless. Immolation have released 4-5 arguably great albums. No comparison
Bolt Thrower is a cool band, but compared to 'true' Grind it wasn't especially brutal. The vocals were too restrained, for example.

I know that, I'm just saying that even though I don't like grind at all there are some bands(2 :p )who have a grind influence that I don't mind.

About USBM: Is anybody here familiar with Order from Chaos at all? I've been trying to find their albums forever with no luck. They're a black/death band but I've wanted to listen to them for a while now because two members of Ares Kingdom are former members.
I like some grind, but not all that much. Like black metal, there are a lot of bad bands in the genre. I like: Repulsion, early Napalm Death, ealy Carcass, Abaddon Incarnate, Unseen Terror, Pig Destroyer, and maybe a few others that slip my mind at the moment, maybe in addition to some brutal death metal bands that might be considered grind. What I don't like is noisecore, since you can't even make out any of the riffs. Anal Cunt might have funny lyrics, but the music is shit, as the guitars are just a blur of noise.
Hmm let's see..

Blind Guardian
Cradle of Filth

There's more, but I can't think of any atm
Trivium (they're just shit)
Six Feet Under
Basically all main stream wannabe rock shit like Fall Out Boy, MCR, A7X, etc

Edit: Dragonforce
What I don't like is noisecore, since you can't even make out any of the riffs. Anal Cunt might have funny lyrics, but the music is shit, as the guitars are just a blur of noise.

...goddamn you can be retarded sometimes...

The music is shit on purpose. I hope you don't think that there are people who go HOLY FUCK I LISTENED TO ANAL CUNT AND IT REALLY SPOKE TO ME ON AN ARTISTIC LEVEL. People only like Seth and his idiot friends because they are comical (to people as stupid as them, but that's beside the point) and gimmicky.

Also, noisecore isn't even a genre. It's a retarded descriptive term for bands who don't know how to play structured music (nor do they want to, in most cases), so they play unstructured music. Bands who are referred to as such are not actually part of this "genre" tag, but fall under other styles instead for the most part. Anal Cunt falls under the "retarded shit that 10 year olds think is funny" genre, for example.