Bands you should like....but don't?

:lol::lol::lol: it's all in fun and games as we all know.

I can't get into Arch Enemy, Nightwish, Stratovarious, Blind Gaurdian (okay now it's Drews turn to be "mad" at me LOL.. you never know when it will "hit" you.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, Bryant!

Angus may have a unique guitar tone, but that doesn't change the fact that AC/DC has been releasing the same album since 1974. Seeing as how they've sold 80 bajillion records, though, it seems that I'm in the minority.

After some more thought, I've decided to add a few more bands and artists to the list:

Jeff Beck (though I would steal Tal Wilkenfeld from him in a heartbeat!)
David Bowie
Eric Clapton
Jimi Hendrix
Elton John
Janis Joplin
King Diamond/Mercyful Fate
The Police/Sting
Type O Negative

I think I'll leave my list at that. I'm sure it's enough to make people scratch their heads as it is.

Stay metal. Never rust.
There is one band that one of my closest friends is really into that I just can't get into, but maybe I just need to listen to more of their material:

King's X

There are other bands in the genre I don't really care for either, but this is the one that I feel fits the forum question the most. I SHOULD like them cause they are talented and rock hard, but I don't and I kinda feel bad about it...and like someone said in an earlier post I just "nod and smile" when my friend talks about them.
I also have always thought Symphony X is overrated. I have their last two cds and their both decent albums, but everyone seems to rave and RAVE about them and say that Dream Theater better watch out. PLEASE!!! Not on the same level. I don't know what it is, but they just don't do it for me.

Another band I don't get is Hammerfall. They just seem blah to me.

Outside of prog/power I've never been able to get into Anthrax. I love most thrash, but outside of the drumming I just don't get it.
I also have always thought Symphony X is overrated. I have their last two cds and their both decent albums, but everyone seems to rave and RAVE about them and say that Dream Theater better watch out. PLEASE!!! Not on the same level. I don't know what it is, but they just don't do it for me.

Well there lies your problem. Paradise lost is generally one-dimensional crap-fest compared to the greatness of a lot of their older work, and frankly aside from a couple of tracks the Odyssey isn't THAT different. Check out "V" and "The Divine Wings of Tragedy" and get back to me.
Have to agree about Symphony X----The Odyssey was the most painful album I had to listen to (ducks)
Aggro Russell Allen just doesn't work IMO. The guy has a great voice when he's singing smooth, melodic material. Metal already has enough I'm-a-badass vocalists. Guys like Russell who have such talent for singing should utilize that to the fullest. There're only two tracks on Paradise Lost that I regularly revisit. The Odyssey wasn't as bad but the best tracks are Accolade II, Awakenings, and parts of the title track, IMO.
How can many of you not like Fates?????????? I know it is a matter of personal tastes, but just wondering what is it that doesn't click with you all? Granted, the last 3 albums have been ok, but nothing special, although some songs on FWX are amazing. However, what about their classic songs? I have a best of from them (Chasing Time) which I was listening to a few nights ago while preparing for PPX and it kicks ass (The Guardian, Through Different Eyes, the Apparition, Monument, At Fate's Hands)..even the whole Parallels record which is the only classic album from them I have listened in its entirety is fantastic!! The melodies, man and the riffs, that just does it for me!!!!
Ha ha ha..... I had to reply more because of a mistake I made than your reply. I really shouldn't give so much credit to Angus. AC/DC plays some of the most basic three-chord-rock ever invented. However, given the simplicity of the music, it is laser precise and gives a "wall of sound" like few other bands can produce, especially on BIB. I think Mutt Lange had a great deal to do with that, but the band had to play the parts anyway.

Don't like Elton John either ? Tsk tsk. There is no help for you Al. I reccommend you start therapy immediately. :lol:

I don't think I mentioned I don't really care for Everboring errr... Evergrey. :zombie:


I'm sorry to disappoint you, Bryant!

Angus may have a unique guitar tone, but that doesn't change the fact that AC/DC has been releasing the same album since 1974. Seeing as how they've sold 80 bajillion records, though, it seems that I'm in the minority.

After some more thought, I've decided to add a few more bands and artists to the list:

Elton John

I agree 100%. When he does the mellow stuff he sounde very similar to Paul Rogers. Although I am not big into Bad Company because the music is frightfully boring, Paul has a superb voice, so that is a compliment. On the few tracks Russell sings the mellow stuff, I really dig them. "Communion and the Oracle" is one of those mellow songs and is probably my fave of theirs.


Aggro Russell Allen just doesn't work IMO. The guy has a great voice when he's singing smooth, melodic material. Metal already has enough I'm-a-badass vocalists. Guys like Russell who have such talent for singing should utilize that to the fullest. There're only two tracks on Paradise Lost that I regularly revisit. The Odyssey wasn't as bad but the best tracks are Accolade II, Awakenings, and parts of the title track, IMO.
I "should" like Into Eternity, Iced Earth, Opeth, and Andromeda given some other bands I like, but I think all of the aforementioned suck. Some people think it's weird that I consider Dark Tranquillity the cream of the death metal crop, but I dislike In Flames and can't stand Soilwork. Also: I like a ton of thrash metal bands, but not Slayer. And perhaps most blasphemous of all, I enjoy Rancid more than The Clash. *ducks*

Well DT is the cream of the crop :D. In Flames and Soilwork have gone so downhill, I dont even buy their albums anymore.