Bands you just don't get

Jorn Lande.

That actually reminds me. Ark was another band that I just couldn't get into, even tho I love Tore's playing. The music just didn't do it for me.

Course, since then, I've loved everything Lande has done since.


funny, Ark is the ONLY band/project I've gotten into with Jorn
Freak Kitchen...heard 'em,didn't get 'em...Seen 'em,still didn't get 'em...gonna see them again...won't get 'em.Talent abound,incredibly nice guys,but its like joke metal...I like my music a little bit more serious than dildo solos and childish lyrics
I can't get into nu-Opeth. And by "nu" I mean everything after Still Life, the stuff where the Porcupine Tree got involved and after. Blackwater Park isn't bad at all, but it's not something I'm as into as the older stuff.

And nu-Rage. Meaning, the symphonic stuff, the stuff they did when they became a 3-piece again. They'll always be one of my favorite bands, but everything after XIII I couldn't really get into, other than a few songs here and there.

And yes I think it's cute to stick the nu prefix in there.
Last year, I totally did not "get" the whole FK thing, but I had a feeling that IA would shred and be very interesting to watch.

I'm so glad that I did not blow off their set...I've never rocked out and laughed so much during a show...what a blast!

I've been hardcore fanboy ever since...thanks to PPUSA! Just goes to never know what's gonna end up kicking your ass...

On the flipside, at VI I was totally stoked about PC69, and, while I had a blast meeting those guys and hanging out, their set was pretty boring. Good musicians, good material, but they just seemed to be mildly cruising through their set and it was very disappointing. Still love those guys, but I don't think we got their best that year...

Rock on!
Same here! Only I was there because I've known JayDub for so long now and he's been talking about them non-stop. ;) I wanted t be there when he finally got to see his dream come true. I was never able to get them before seeing them. I always brushed them off as "joke" metal. By the time the second song was underway, my attitude was quickly changing about them. By the end of the set, I couldn't get to Ken's table quickly enough to purchase all 6 FK CDs. Now I have to fill in with the solo stuff. WHat an INCREDIBLE guitarist and brilliant, nice person! Same goes for his band-mates too.

As far as the "joke" metal, I also found out I was COMPLETELY wrong about that too. When you finally read the lyrics and really figure out what he's talking about, its anything but a joke! Now I can't wait to see them again as well as the IA clinic!

I aso used to despise POS before PP1, but wanted to give them another chance since they were headlining that year. I force fed myself The Perfect Element like 5 times in a row - by the end of that meal, I was loving it. Their live performance blew me away and I proceeded to end up loving all their back catalog. Remedy Lane came out - I loved it. Be came, I still don't own it. Scarsick came out and while I like it better, I think that DG's outspoken political views tarnish me from enjoying it as much as I used to.

Bands I don't get that people seem to go ape over: Blind Guardian, Edguy, Gamma Ray (and I used to love Helloween back in the 80s), Rhapsody, Dragonforce, Nightwish, Nevermore, Devin's various incarnations, Iced Earth, most bands with death vox.

Cool thread.