I don't get it...

Nightwish s*ck, there i said. I will be eating BBQ instead of sitting in on that horrid mess. I can see if you are a female and dig them, but dudes? If only on a date with a girl should you be in the room. see what happens when you keep talking nonsense on Slayer? HULK SMASH! hahaahahaha.

Here we go. :Shedevil:

I can't get into Nightwish 2.0 at all (which is why I'll be sitting across the table from you at Dreamland), but I still really dig the older stuff, especially Once. Either way they definitely do not suck.

Neither does Slayer, though I confess I do not own a single one of their albums. One of these days I'll break down and just order their first few albums.
Are you BAT SHIT CRAZY!???!?!? :Spin:

dude....God Hates Us All...Christ Illusion....DIABOLUS IN MUSICA?????

I should have said 5 though. Divine Intervention has some good tracks.

I just wonder if all the Slayer-haters have only heard Reign in Blood or South of Heaven. A lot of people on this board would like stuff like Metal Storm/Face the Slayer. There are parts that sound like Maiden.
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Here's another for the I Don't Get It files.

The Rolling Stones

I'm into the surrounding bands (the Doors, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles), but this legendary band does nothing for me. I like a song or two here and there, but otherwise don't see the appeal.
I like Wishmaster and Oceanborn a lot. That's about it though. Which is exactly why I don't intend on ever seeing them again. I read an interview that they don't like playing Wishmaster anymore...and they dropped all their songs from Oceanborn too. BOOO!

Well, that's the problem when you get a singer who can't do many of those songs justice. I'll be there on Thursday, but it probably will be the only time I see the new Nightwish live. I'm just not impressed by Annette.

Speaking of that, I could never get into Kamelot. Love Roy Khan and Conception, but I could never get into the more straight ahead Kamelot.

Also, I could never get into Ark. That was a case where the parts were greater than the whole for me.
Nightwish s*ck, there i said. I will be eating BBQ instead of sitting in on that horrid mess.

I recall several of us making their PP set dinnertime - including Mr. Pierpont's infamous operatic-power-metal-cheeseburger order. I don't mind the Annette stuff, but I'd never pull it out and listen to it, either.

There's a couple of pretty popular things right now that I don't get:

Ghost - I just don't even see why someone that likes metal would like this. Seems like a hipster attempt to be "evil" to me while playing some pretty innocuous heavied-up pop.

Mastodon - I have never really figured these guys out, either. There's nothing "wrong" with them (although I've always thought the harsh vocals were pretty mediocre), but there's absolutely nothing that compels me to listen to them, either.
Weird that this thread turned from "here is a band I do not really get" to "let me take a steaming dump on a band (and anyone who in their misguided mind could like them)" and then argue minutia/semantics about how other people should like a band I like.
Mastodon - I have never really figured these guys out, either. There's nothing "wrong" with them (although I've always thought the harsh vocals were pretty mediocre), but there's absolutely nothing that compels me to listen to them, either.
Mastodon is one of those weird bands for me. They're a band I like, but not a band I quite see what all the fuss is about. I would also put Alcest in this category. I have a few of their discs... think they're good... but I don't understand the adoration some feel for them.
Ghost - I just don't even see why someone that likes metal would like this. Seems like a hipster attempt to be "evil" to me while playing some pretty innocuous heavied-up pop.

Aside from the thing where sometimes people who like metal like music that isn't metal, Ghost being made of hipsters??? What?? T. Forge is responsible for one of the greatest death metal bands/records of the 21st century. Ghost came out through the typical 'underground' channels, too....a 7'' on a UG label, a full length on a UG label....it's not their fault that Pitchfork caught on.
Mastodon is one of those weird bands for me. They're a band I like, but not a band I quite see what all the fuss is about. I would also put Alcest in this category. I have a few of their discs... think they're good... but I don't understand the adoration some feel for them.

Their second full length is one of my favorite black metal albums ever. If you can even call it that.
Aside from the thing where sometimes people who like metal like music that isn't metal, Ghost being made of hipsters??? What?? T. Forge is responsible for one of the greatest death metal bands/records of the 21st century. Ghost came out through the typical 'underground' channels, too....a 7'' on a UG label, a full length on a UG label....it's not their fault that Pitchfork caught on.

I didn't say that's what it was, I said that's what it SEEMS LIKE. They've got the whole right set of fans for it, too - the Decibel crowd, for example.

Metal people like lots of non-metal stuff, but these guys are classified as metal about 99% of the time, yet they really, well, aren't.
Mastodon is one of those weird bands for me. They're a band I like, but not a band I quite see what all the fuss is about. I would also put Alcest in this category. I have a few of their discs... think they're good... but I don't understand the adoration some feel for them.

Heh. I completely agree about Alcest, though I listen to their second album more than any of Mastodon's releases.