I don't get it...

Justin G

Jul 28, 2007
Northern VA
Are there artists that you know intellectually that you should like their music, but for whatever reason…don’t? I’m talking about bands that in theory should be among your favorites, but that you just don’t get? These are a couple of mine:

Ayreon/Star One – Let’s see: epic concept albums, great musicianship, 70s prog worship and guest vocalists that include some of my absolute favorite singers, and despite listening to the albums multiple times I just can’t get into the music. I know I hate the sing-song backing choirs. Maybe the rest comes down to Lucassen’s songwriting style.

Devin Townsend – I realize that this guy is insanely talented and creative, and that his music is probably what progressive music is all about, but I’ve tried several of his various projects and none of them have clicked with me. I always feel like I’ve missed the point somehow, or that I’m just not smart enough to get what I’m hearing, and I hate that feeling.

The ironic thing is that the few Ayreon songs I do enjoy are the ones with Townsend on vocals. Go figure.

I should probably add King Diamond/Mercyful Fate to the list, but that one is easy. I can’t handle the vocals…at all.

OK, anyone else?
I feel the same way about Ayreon and Devin with the exception of SYL. I also could never get into Avantasia either for whatever reason.
Pagan's Mind is one of those bands for me: very proggy, supremely talented and apparently put on a hell of a show. I am just left fairly empty when I listen to them.

I understand what you mean about Arjen's projects, Justin. I don't skip those songs when they come up on a shuffle, but I never consciously seek them out.
Pagan's Mind is one of those bands for me: very proggy, supremely talented and apparently put on a hell of a show. I am just left fairly empty when I listen to them.

I understand what you mean about Arjen's projects, Justin. I don't skip those songs when they come up on a shuffle, but I never consciously seek them out.

I was the same way about Pagan's Mind (though I did really enjoy them live) until I heard their latest. That one won me over.
Pagan's Mind is one of those bands for me: very proggy, supremely talented and apparently put on a hell of a show. I am just left fairly empty when I listen to them.

I understand what you mean about Arjen's projects, Justin. I don't skip those songs when they come up on a shuffle, but I never consciously seek them out.

I pretty much agree about Pagan's Mind. Save for a few selected songs, they never really clicked with me.

As for Ayreon, I'm not a fan, but I do like (not love) the Star One discs.
I've thought about this one a lot. I never really completely give up on a band I haven't been able to get into, but some that I have tried unsuccessfully for a long time to are:

Pagan's Mind
Primal Fear

There are also a lot of bands whose catalogs I like a portion of, but can't really get into the albums people "usually" like ie.

Nightwish releases after Wishmaster
Kamelot releases after Epica
Edu era Angra
Deris era Helloween
Dream Theater releases after Awake
Big one for me: Savatage.

I love Circle II Circle and enjoy some Jon Oliva's Pain, but Savatage has never done anything for me.
I've mentioned this enough times but Circus Maximus. They're absolutely beloved by most who go to Progpower, I love bands like Pagan's Mind, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, etc. but they bore me to tears.

Firewind - Love power metal but they do nothing for me.

Def Leppard - I know a number of people love their early material (and tend to hate their recent), but I don't like any of it.

Pretty Maids - Glad all of you will be able to see them this year, but I've probably tried for hours in total to like this band and every time I try, I just can't stand them.

There's probably more, but I'm drawing a blank.
Maybe it's just because I haven't been force-exposed enough, but Pain of Salvation. I heard a long time ago (and I don't even know if this is true or not) that Daniel Gildenow said some shit about 9/11 a long time ago and that pissed me off immensely and permanently affected my view of him and his music. I have a few albums on my iTunes, but I don't listen to them often. The albums that everyone says I should listen to I don't have.
The only band I could think of would be the Grateful Dead; progressive, jamming, deep, conceptual diverse in moods and musical styles still it has never worked for me.
Oh and could never get into Angra no matter how much i tried and still do.
Maybe it's just because I haven't been force-exposed enough, but Pain of Salvation. I heard a long time ago (and I don't even know if this is true or not) that Daniel Gildenow said some shit about 9/11 a long time ago and that pissed me off immensely and permanently affected my view of him and his music. I have a few albums on my iTunes, but I don't listen to them often. The albums that everyone says I should listen to I don't have.

There is a couple.

Metallica gets alot of flak for their newer material, but most of the time when people say like Metallica's stuff,they're refering the older material, which I still cant get into. Some of the musicianship is fairly stellar, but overall is super bland imo. Will probably never get into them.

Epica, I enjoyed Consign to Oblivion, and Simone's...body..errr voice...yeah voice >.>
They have a bunch of elements that would be great, and that I enjoy in other bands, but how they pull it off bores me to tears especially with their newer material.
I was this way with Voyager until the newest album, which has magically opened me up to the older ones.

Suspyre is this way for me. By all rights I should love them, but there's no clicking going on. Devin's another. I love the guy, he's fantastic, but even though his music should do it for me, it doesn't.

There are some others for me, for sure. I'm just struggling to come up with their names. The good news is that you're not alone, lol.
The only band I could think of would be the Grateful Dead; progressive, jamming, deep, conceptual diverse in moods and musical styles still it has never worked for me.
Oh and could never get into Angra no matter how much i tried and still do.

I couldn't agree more. I can NOT stand the Grateful Dead, not one effin' song. So many have tried, and so many have failed to make me a fan. :puke:
I've mentioned this enough times but Circus Maximus. They're absolutely beloved by most who go to Progpower, I love bands like Pagan's Mind, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, etc. but they bore me to tears.

Firewind - Love power metal but they do nothing for me.

Def Leppard - I know a number of people love their early material (and tend to hate their recent), but I don't like any of it.

Pretty Maids - Glad all of you will be able to see them this year, but I've probably tried for hours in total to like this band and every time I try, I just can't stand them.

There's probably more, but I'm drawing a blank.

Circus Maximus were the same for me. I could never get into them (though they were good live). Until I heard the new record "Nine." You should give that a shot. Really took me by surprise.

Pretty Maids are just starting to click with me just in time for the fest. It took a while but I'm getting into some of their tunes.