bands you think suck

Bands I think suck...

Disturbed - Always hated them, even before the tour thing. More or less I hate the fans and the singer with the monkey complex.

Queensryche - Fuck Queensryche.

Opeth - Not that they suck, I enjoy their music, I just think they're the most overrated band in metal.

Nirvana - Fuck kurt, i'm glad he ended himself so I didn't have to.

Trivium - So you met Dimebags wife, partied with her a few times... so why is it every time I see you, you cover 2 pantera songs? Oh yeah, cause your own material sucks ass...

Anything played on "alternative radio"

And probably a lot more, those are just the ones I feel strongly about.
MFJ said:
Oh, Nevermore.

and just when you thought it couldn't ever get any worse, the idiots flood in exponentially by the bucketload, eh?

Hey remember the good ol' days when we said "wow the nevermore board sucks!"

yeah.. that was nothin!
OMC (as you call it) is a metal classic. Excellent musicianship, and one of the few concept albums that actually made sense. How do you not like Queensryche, but like Nevermore? Maybe you should change brands of peanut butter.
DreamNeonBlack said:
Grateful Dead= I don't get it, never have and never will.

Nirvanva, worst band of all time, I don't understand what anyone saw in this group. Could Kurt sing anymore out of key?

Dave Mathews band=His voice is beyond annoying, band is decent though.
any of those popular metalcore bands out now, i mean how the fuck do they get popular when they suck so hard?
Metallica because of the overratedness
I love how all these people bash bands for being popular. As soon as you see a group of kids at Hot Topic wearing NEvermore shirts, your all gonna be like "MAAAAAN Nevermore sucks, they are so overrated, fucking metalcore peice of shit band"

"yeah Nevermore totally started to suck when they got popular, I was an old school Nevermore fan"
What? you can actually find a nevermore shirt in the mall? Sam Goody has copies of Politics? pssssssh fucking sell outs.
AC/DC - It's not metal, don't pretend it is.
Beastie Boys - what the FUCK is this doing on rock/metal stations? Just because they are white doesn't mean it isn't rap