bands you think suck

Lunar Still said:
In my neck 'o the woods (goddamn fatass Al Roker), the fans of "rock" music generally come in four varieties.

1. Big-name band hard rockers: If its not Metallica, Green Day, Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin, they fucking hate it.

2. Nu metal freaks: What? Yes, they still exist. Decked out in circus tent-sized bondage pants with about a thousand zippers, pockets and straps, huge steel-toed boots, fifteen pounds of bracelets on each arm, and little tears falling from their eyes drawn with eyeliner, I want to hit them whenever I have the distinct displeasure of being near them.

3. ICP "Juggaloes": I don't think I even have to explain this one.

4. Christian "hardcore" kids: Whatever the hardcore flavor of the week is, they're fucking obsessed with it. Last week I think it was Funeral For A Friend, this week its Between The Buried And Me. Whatever it is, it won't last long after they have the band come play in their fucking church's basement.

There's very little of a real metal scene here....bah!
goddamn, this shit doesn't really vary. it's exactly the fucking same with kids here.
I hate Nirvana so fucking much. Gahhh.

-In Flames, and not just the new stuff. All of it.
-Arch Enemy is just stupid.
-Dream Theater is pretentious wankery. Except I like Pull Me Under.
-Cradle of Filth (obvious)
-any grindcore
-Type O Negative. Just straight up shitty.

I'm sure I'll think of more later.
I fell asleep during their pretentiously boring set, even though they were unsafely loud. With 20 minutes of guitar and drum wankery per song, they still somehow got 2 moshers going. Worst live set ever, and BORING recordings as it is. I mean damn, I passed out for 20 minutes, and when I awoke, it sounded like the SAME SONG.
Tempest said:
I love how all these people bash bands for being popular. As soon as you see a group of kids at Hot Topic wearing NEvermore shirts, your all gonna be like "MAAAAAN Nevermore sucks, they are so overrated, fucking metalcore peice of shit band"

"yeah Nevermore totally started to suck when they got popular, I was an old school Nevermore fan"

quoted. for fucking. truth.

I hate all 80's glam rock/hair metal bands, and pretty much any band that wrote even a single power ballad. Fuck do I hate power ballads.

I hate Slipknot, their music is horrible, but credit goes to Mick, James and Joey for being decent musicians.

ok, all nu-metal bands

Trivium "0mgzor if y0u th1nk j00r m3talz ull strt a f3cking circl3 p1t!!11!1"
All metalcore except Between the Buried and Me

Any solo shred musicians, like Michael Angelo Batio. Only because their tracks have no musicallity at all. Is it technical? Yes. Do I respect them for their skill? Well, of course. Is it good, catchy, hook filled, meaningful music? No.

All pop/pop rock/pop punk/rap/hip-hop groups and/or "artists".

All emo/screamo/hardcore/emocore/faggotron-core bands.

All modern rock bands except: Gov't Mule, Muse, Audioslave and a few others.

Nirvana. No, they didn't invent Grunge. Fuck you. Bleach was alright though.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Alice in Chains>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nirvana

... and you can't forget OTEP ;)

Yes. FaggOtep is mucho super retarded.

"I haaayte my lyyyyfe!!1!!"