bands you think suck

Devy_Metal said:
yea i figured those metalcore bands were a given. do you like old arch enemy? i think the old stuff kicks ass.

whats up man? we're the only ones on here right now. what time is it in scottland?

I don't like any arch enemy, even the earlier stuff is predominantly boring, IMO.

Scotland is between 5-7 hours ahead of you. If your in New Hampshire, 5.
metalkingdom said:
OMC (as you call it) is a metal classic. Excellent musicianship, and one of the few concept albums that actually made sense. How do you not like Queensryche, but like Nevermore? Maybe you should change brands of peanut butter.

I always love when people say this to me. How could I like X but not Y?

Well, it may be hard to understand, but X and Y don't sound alike, therefore I enjoy one and not the other. It's not a proven axiom that Nevermore fans automatically like, or should or would like Queensryche. I think the music is just boring. That is all.
AC/DC doesnt suck, keep in mind that they are a band with a specific audience. AC/DC isn't trying to meet the standards of Metal Heads, they are a classic rock band.
Devy_Metal said:
I always love when people say this to me. How could I like X but not Y?

Well, it may be hard to understand, but X and Y don't sound alike, therefore I enjoy one and not the other. It's not a proven axiom that Nevermore fans automatically like, or should or would like Queensryche. I think the music is just boring. That is all.

X and Y sound more alike than you think.
MetalMessiah9999 said:
It just occured to me I should probably say metal bands instead.

Well I'm not a big fan of Symphony X, or half the black metal bands out there.

naglfar and woods of ypres. sexify your life with such amazing black metal and your views will change.

or they might not.
any style of music that ends with mo, scream, emo, etc.

the vocals on trivium

all punk bands aside from the misfits

all Nu metal

All grunge

Retardo Bot

The list goes on and on, but uh yea...
as do i.

as. do. i.

and Green Day. I fucking hate that band. their music has always been annoying, but their whole "omg guys111 it's so0o0o kewl to n0t lyke teh pr3sident ... l0l, fukc bush he looksl lik3 a m0nk3y! lawlz 4narchy 4ev3r" bandwagon-hopping-fest and Billy Joe "speaking out" like he has something to say and he's so courageous for saying it ... *anger rage seethe*

*i know nothing about politics so i try not to involve myself in this anymore. i just hate Green Day.
In my neck 'o the woods (goddamn fatass Al Roker), the fans of "rock" music generally come in four varieties.

1. Big-name band hard rockers: If its not Metallica, Green Day, Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin, they fucking hate it.

2. Nu metal freaks: What? Yes, they still exist. Decked out in circus tent-sized bondage pants with about a thousand zippers, pockets and straps, huge steel-toed boots, fifteen pounds of bracelets on each arm, and little tears falling from their eyes drawn with eyeliner, I want to hit them whenever I have the distinct displeasure of being near them.

3. ICP "Juggaloes": I don't think I even have to explain this one.

4. Christian "hardcore" kids: Whatever the hardcore flavor of the week is, they're fucking obsessed with it. Last week I think it was Funeral For A Friend, this week its Between The Buried And Me. Whatever it is, it won't last long after they have the band come play in their fucking church's basement.

There's very little of a real metal scene here....bah!