bands you think suck

blind_cynic said:
now you don't know reading?I said I don't dislike Metallica,I said they suck 'cause they are my opinion,most overrated band ever.still,old albums are albums are a musical disaster.

aha that first line actually made me laugh. but how are metallica over rated? any metal fan with an ounce of logic can plainly see they sucked after justice for all. its not like people today still rant and rave about them. they died long ago. do you think the first four albums are over rated? i think theyre fucking awesome.
blind_cynic said:
I'm not sure you ever heard Cynic or Psychotic Waltz.

i have heard cynic because i have the album "focus" isnt that what its called? its collecting dust somewhere in my collection. i dont like the jazzy influenced metal at all, really.

and psychotic waltz bore me to tears. im sorry but this is just my opinion!
Talk about overrated bands... I can't fuckin' stand Blind Guardian. There are millions of fanboys that worship this band. To me they sound like a bad Helloween rip off with a Blacky Lawless wannabe on vocals. No thanks. I even bought a few of their CDs because people tried to convince me that "they ruled". What a waste of money. They suck.