bands you think suck

Devy_Metal said:
How old are you? 18? Dismissing an entire genre of music as "talentless" is utterly shite and something a teenager would do.

20, my little brother listens to rap, and i've heard quite a bit of it, and actually tried to listen to it openly... but it's literally all the same... and im not talkiing about the "hip hop and R&B artists" who actually sing.. im talking about the rappers. The gangster rappers are the worse.

In almost any rap / gangster rap song you will hear the following:

shoutouts to people or groups
mentioning of money
mentioning of material possessions (cars, houses, jewlery, etc)
and practically de-humanizing women

its predictable... and I'm not exagerating when i say that they talk... they really do... and if any of them actually try to carry a tune, they are still talking in tune... not singing.

so fuck rap, it sucks.

country is also the same thing over and over again... but at least it takes talent to play and sing country music (but it is still not enjoyable IMO)
Tempest said:
20, my little brother listens to rap, and i've heard quite a bit of it, and actually tried to listen to it openly... but it's literally all the same... and im not talkiing about the "hip hop and R&B artists" who actually sing.. im talking about the rappers. The gangster rappers are the worse.

In almost any rap / gangster rap song you will hear the following:

shoutouts to people or groups
mentioning of money
mentioning of material possessions (cars, houses, jewlery, etc)
and practically de-humanizing women

its predictable... and I'm not exagerating when i say that they talk... they really do... and if any of them actually try to carry a tune, they are still talking in tune... not singing.

so fuck rap, it sucks.

country is also the same thing over and over again... but at least it takes talent to play and sing country music (but it is still not enjoyable IMO)
I completely agree. Couldn't have said it much better myself.