bands you think suck

Final_Product said:
Great man! I saw a show they had over here (Insurrection or something they called it?) and it was all just insane. Great entertainment though. So over the top! :lol:

They know how to entertain...and the Divas are soooo ultra hot!!!...especially live!

Well I have to go bring my kid to his drum lesson. It's been fun at the playground today. Try to be nicer to old folks...we're very fragile.

Come on Tempest...get your drumsticks.

Just to clarify...we all "suck"...or we'd have better things to do than be here...Ha!
schenkadere said:
They know how to entertain...and the Divas are soooo ultra hot!!!...especially live!

Well I have to go bring my kid to his drum lesson. It's been fun at the playground today. Try to be nicer to old folks...we're very fragile.

Come on Tempest...get your drumsticks.

Just to clarify...we all "suck"...or we'd have better things to do than be here...Ha!

so true :(

Necrophagist. Those fuckers need to learn that using John Pettruci's cromatic exercises for everyone of their goddamned songs is really boring and really annoying. Not cool. :yell:
Will Bozarth said:
you = gay

:tickled: :lol: I can't help it. After seeing their live performance and obtaining all their music... actually, no.. I haven't given the latest a listen ... I might do that sometime. I cannot find one redeeming thing about them. The guitar work is absolutely craptastic.. all the way from bad tone, to run of the mill death metal exercises to your basic craptacular non grooving over blasting drums.

The accents they choose on like the 32 and 16 notes are cool though. I like that alot. :lol: *waits for the flamage*
any metalcore
any nu-metal
any hardcore
In Flames(everything after colony)
Arch Enemy(everything after Burning Japan)
Arch Enemy has always been plagued with bad stuff. I mean, their first few albums were musically amazing. But I HATED the vocalist. And then they recruited the horse lady, and her vocals are good.. but she seemed to have pushed the band in a commercial direction, although Wages of Sin was really good. But the last two albums were total balls. :ill:
She's got a great stage presence, btw. Unfortunately she mumbles total bollocks inbetween songs.

Half way through the set this big burly dude gets up and shouts: "get yer tits oot for the lads"

Sufficed to say, he was ejected.
Final_Product said:
She's got a great stage presence, btw. Unfortunately she mumbles total bollocks inbetween songs.

Half way through the set this big burly dude gets up and shouts: "get yer tits oot for the lads"

Sufficed to say, he was ejected.

LMAO. awesome. Sounds like justice served. :lol: I'm surprised she didn't whip the penis she/he's probably hiding. She looks less like a woman everytime I see her.