Bands you wish had better production...

Damien. said:
That isn't what I said.

i know, thus the thickly laid sarcasm.

we talk about everything on this forum...just search the pages for threads about music if you want.

but ill tell you what. ill talk music with you for as long as you long as you have something interesting to talk of when it comes to music. pick a topic, and lets see how it goes.:)
Anyone arguing the fact that Emperor's early albums, (ANY albums, really), need better production is most definitely the one that should be going to the doctor.

...Doctor Kevorkian.

In fact, anyone concerned with the production of something being "better" or "clearer" is a moronic twat. Music is music. Talent is talent. Production should not have that much effect. If an album had different production, in my opinion, it wouldn't be the same album. Why complain about it?

There's no reason to. Hush.
Irreligion said:
Anyone arguing the fact that Emperor's early albums, (ANY albums, really), need better production is most definitely the one that should be going to the doctor.

...Doctor Kevorkian.

In fact, anyone concerned with the production of something being "better" or "clearer" is a moronic twat. Music is music. Talent is talent. Production should not have that much effect. If an album had different production, in my opinion, it wouldn't be the same album. Why complain about it?

There's no reason to. Hush.

Well, if you don't care so much about production, what if bands started recording CD's at home with shitty quality (think of Opeth's bonus tracks on Orchid and Morningrise -well, of course, if those tracks didn't have that production, they would sound better-) saving some money on "unimportant" stuff? Because, if music is music, then let's listen to bottlegs instead of to professional DVD's...
I'd have to say Bathory, Kyuss... hrm.. can't think of anything off the top of my head now. I'd say things like My Dying Bride, Woods of Ypres, Agalloch, etc.. but for some reason.. it sounds "right" being a bit lower quality, I don't know. Maybe it's just because I'm used to doom metal being so un-mainstream that they don't have big production budgets?
kyuss80 said:
Woods of Ypres

if you're talking about the Against the Seasons demo, go to (i think) to check out 2 re-mixed songs from the upcoming re-release of the demo. they sound great! it'll be nice to have both of em, to compare and stuff. the tracks on that myspace account are unmastered, mind you, so they'll sound different on the final release.
Silent Song said:
way to win idiot of the day award.

better production makes good music sound clearer and better.
Actually, no. The simple point is, certain bands don't use "clear" production because it's not suited to their music. "Nattens Madrigal" for example would lose practically all of its aggresion and atmosphere if the "omgz it dusent sound liek soilwork, my earz hurt!!1" brigade had their way and made it more "clear" and palatable.

Seriously, this discussion is like saying "That girl would be more fun to talk to if her face was prettier".
Looking for a Job said:
yeah who cares about production. in fact, who cares about music
Funny, I remember you saying something "if the album is great, it won't be because of the production. if it sucks, it won't be because of the production" about a week ago.
bangadrian said:
she definitely would, girls only exist for the pleasure of men anyway

ahh.. sexism always makes me think of Family Guy!

"lois, you know it's illegal for women to drive! imagine that! a woman driving a car! ..."
Budgie, self titled.

That's the only cd I've ever listened to where I couldn't easily get past the production. Usually it's easy for me to ignore bad production, but that whole cd is so muffled sounding... it makes me feel quesy on extended listens.
Nah, I think they're still busy working on the wheel.

Du sollst dich töten said:
"Nattens Madrigal" for example would lose practically all of its aggresion and atmosphere if the "omgz it dusent sound liek soilwork, my earz hurt!!1" brigade had their way and made it more "clear" and palatable.
You're absolutely right. I mean, god forbid "music" be "musical" in any way, when simply making noise is obviously a more valid art form.