Bands you wish had better production...

I don't really don't care if they did the rest of the album (it would be nice) but I want to hear Black Rose Immortal with good production sound. If they rerecorded tat song, it would be their best ever.
NeverIsForever said:
So if I go out and bang on a trash can lid for ten minutes, the artistic value of my so-called music is on a par with music that actually took time, talent, and technical prowess to play? I think not :erk:

I have seen rave reviews for the exact kind of banging you have just described. Therefore it is arguable.
"Artistic value" is not quantifiable, I think that's my point.
immortal's Battles in the north
Dreamtheater's albums are a bit too clean sounding imo.. overdone.
Opeth's Morninrise - horrible drum sounds and bass isn't bassy eno ugh
Emperor's ITNE/Anthems - guitars and drums not as good sounding/vocals too quiet
Most black metal tbh lol..
The Dude said:
I have seen rave reviews for the exact kind of banging you have just described. Therefore it is arguable.
"Artistic value" is not quantifiable, I think that's my point.

There are people who believe lots of ridiculous things. That an opinion exists certainly doesnt imply validity. While it may not be quantifiable, one can certainly make a qualitative argument based on many things including expertise, (OMFG!!111) reason, and fundamental human responses.
Justin S. said:
There are people who believe lots of ridiculous things. That an opinion exists certainly doesnt imply validity. While it may not be quantifiable, one can certainly make a qualitative argument based on many things including expertise, (OMFG!!111) reason, and fundamental human responses.

That's just your opinion. I simply disagree.
Botfly said:
That's just your opinion. I simply disagree.

Just my "opinion" that the human brain responds to sounds in certain measurable ways? That experience and expertise allow a person to make more informed, nuanced destinctions? That one can describe many layers of difference in tone, technique, artistry, communicative ability, and simply greater depth and complexity betweem Schubert and someone banging on a garbage can?

Get a fucking grip. Im so tired of running into these flawed ideas that we live in some metaphysical void. You cannot deconstruct the world in some abstract and alienated vacuum. We live in a measurable reality where every action and thought has repercussions.

I feel sorry for you if you cannot distinguish between true artistry and degraded, post-modern wankery.
All that, and I bet he didn't even have to get out the thesaurus once. ;)

Okay so we've run through the extreme contrast of someone banging on a trashcan juxtaposed with Schubert. So what happens when you run into a situation where it's Emperor vs Opeth, Satriani vs Vai etc.

I think there's a certain level of similarity that's reached by peers in professional music where we become less able to gauge 'artistic credibility' in any objective sense (using technique, communicative ability, depth etc. as benchmarks, as noted by Justin). It becomes more an issue of personal prefference.

As an example: To some people, minimalism communicates much more than multi-tonality, frequent progression etc. Same applies vice versa.

I think those 'objective' grading points only apply to a degree, and after a certain point almost become void when dealing with musical peers. Unless we were able to break down, analyze and ultimately understand the mental chemical processes that led to the fruition of two similar, albeit individual pieces of work, we wouldn't get very far in terms of quantifiably citing superiority.
Moonlapse said:
All that, and I bet he didn't even have to get out the thesaurus once. ;)

Ive seen this come up now several times, and I simply dont see why. None of the language I use is overblown or anything but ordinary. For the record, ive never used a thesaurus for forum purposes. The structure might get a little dense, but thats just a by-product of trying to squeeze in too much while still being a lazy poster. Whats the deal guys?

Moonlapse said:
Okay so we've run through the extreme contrast of someone banging on a trashcan juxtaposed with Schubert. So what happens when you run into a situation where it's Emperor vs Opeth, Satriani vs Vai etc.

I think there's a certain level of similarity that's reached by peers in professional music where we become less able to gauge 'artistic credibility' in any objective sense (using technique, communicative ability, depth etc. as benchmarks, as noted by Justin). It becomes more an issue of personal prefference.

I completely agree. The extreme contrast was essentially created by other posters and I felt it was necessary to address it. Totally worthless sophistic arguments where used to try and equivocate all methods (and their results) of producing sound... hopefully youll agree with me that this is a very absurd line of thought. Obviously as we use more reasonable examples things become less clear cut. The examples I gave of points of reference where just the basics. Considering that you work in audio engineering, you are aware of this, so i dont need to elaborate. But you know very well that if I had not mentioned any we would be stuck with Botfly et al. and their dismissals and never ending "IMO" disclaimers.

Moonlapse said:
As an example: To some people, minimalism communicates much more than multi-tonality, frequent progression etc. Same applies vice versa.

While I tend to agree with you, all of use will eventually run into problems of ambiguity of terms and concepts, especially so considering how flippant most are with their word choice (and those that arent get flamed and labeled wankers, malmsteen (fucking harsh!), and shameless thesaurus abusers ;) )

At some point though, we all must agree that music is a form of expression, and that the more you limit the mechanism, the more you limit the range of what you can communicate. Sure, minimalism can be used to great effect. But it often cannot express more complex ideas or moods. Similarly a flury of notes often misses the subtlety (and pure emotion) that a minimalistic approach can bring. It all boils down to variety and balance... much like anything else.

Moonlapse said:
I think those 'objective' grading points only apply to a degree, and after a certain point almost become void when dealing with musical peers. Unless we were able to break down, analyze and ultimately understand the mental chemical processes that led to the fruition of two similar, albeit individual pieces of work, we wouldn't get very far in terms of quantifiably citing superiority.

Generally agree, but I dont think the points become void, just more difficult to determine which artist beter utilizes them. Also, I said qualitative, not quanitfty as in an ordinal ranking. That kinda thing is what I desperately want to avoid. A balanced, educated perspective is all im asking for...

Moonie, like you should talk about "uppity" prose... Mr. "Whilst" ;)
Justin S. said:
Ive seen this come up now several times, and I simply dont see why. None of the language I use is overblown or anything but ordinary. For the record, ive never used a thesaurus for forum purposes. The structure might get a little dense, but thats just a by-product of trying to squeeze in too much while still being a lazy poster. Whats the deal guys?

Just poking a bit of fun ;), nothing more, nothing less.

There's nothing in your reply I can really disagree with, I think we've generally accepted the same frame of mind in regards to this, just expressed it slightly differently. So if there's anyone else who's got anything to comment on.... now's your time to shine, baby.
Edge of Sanity 'Crimson' 2 has very thick,clear and professional production. Dan Swano does everything on it, has some guests too. It's a lot different than how you would think hearing older 'Edge of Sanity.

My Dying Bride has great production

Kyuss 'Blues for The Red Sun' is musically,production wise perfect. I suggest smoking a bowl so you can hear how amazing this album sounds. It deserves to be listened to how the band intended.
Hmm, I think Crimson 2 sounds very... I dunno, there's a very artificial quality on it. It's got a very strong 'Cubase' sound that I sometimes get when I do too many conversions in that program. I heard Swano had to deal with alot of EQ on the guitars because they weren't tracked right or something....