Bands you wish had better production...

I'm going to have to agree with those that say the production shouldn't be changed on some albums(such as Emperor's early work). The appeal of Nightside was more than just the music, it was the atmosphere that it created. If you're not someone that listens to alot of black metal, you won't get it, but to people that do, you know that the atmosphere is a major part of the music. As good an album as Prometheus was, it was lacking in atmosphere. The same for what was said about Nattens Madrigal. If you take away the harsh production, then you're ruining the music. Instead of an excellent black metal album, you just have something generic.
Let me guess.

Atmosphere = reverb and repetition?

Emperor's Prometheus is a marvel of modern music - just because it wasn't overly saturated with delayed reflections of every signal and simplified in nature doesn't mean that it isn't atmospheric. The dryness of the production coupled with compression allows the grittiness of the album to really punch through and grab the listener in a full-frontal manner. I still feel like jacking off every time I hear 'TEACH ME THE TONGUE OF FIIREEEEE!!!!!!!!!'
Moonlapse said:
Let me guess.

Atmosphere = reverb and repetition?

Emperor's Prometheus is a marvel of modern music - just because it wasn't overly saturated with delayed reflections of every signal and simplified in nature doesn't mean that it isn't atmospheric. The dryness of the production coupled with compression allows the grittiness of the album to really punch through and grab the listener in a full-frontal manner. I still feel like jacking off every time I hear 'TEACH ME THE TONGUE OF FIIREEEEE!!!!!!!!!'

Moonlapse said:
Hmm, I think Crimson 2 sounds very... I dunno, there's a very artificial quality on it. It's got a very strong 'Cubase' sound that I sometimes get when I do too many conversions in that program. I heard Swano had to deal with alot of EQ on the guitars because they weren't tracked right or something....

I'll take your world. I have never used programs to record my guitar,don't know.

Regardless I think the production is great. I'm a fan of thick guitars, when I can actually make them out clearly that's a big plus so I couldn't complain.

Profanity said:
I wish some Live Bootlegs had better production.

They're bootlegs dipshit.
Moonlapse said:
Let me guess.

Atmosphere = reverb and repetition?

Emperor's Prometheus is a marvel of modern music - just because it wasn't overly saturated with delayed reflections of every signal and simplified in nature doesn't mean that it isn't atmospheric. The dryness of the production coupled with compression allows the grittiness of the album to really punch through and grab the listener in a full-frontal manner. I still feel like jacking off every time I hear 'TEACH ME THE TONGUE OF FIIREEEEE!!!!!!!!!'
