Bands you would be surpise that Symphony X likes.

yeah right Zach, but whatever, various places around here are getting loaded by such rediculous threads that only seem to be about pouring on the statis quo hate.

See, this is my confusion here. You just made a post bashing on Dragonforce, then all of a sudden a switch flipped and you're annoyed by the negativity? I may be reading things wrong, it just strikes me as odd. Whatever, no harm, no foul.
Nirvana makes my ears bleed, personally. I could see never really see the guys listening to them. Maybe Lepond on an off day.

Would you be surprised to know that Russell doesn't really listen to that much heavy metal? Dio is pretty much the heaviest he gets, according to the man himself.
Nirvana makes my ears bleed, personally. I could see never really see the guys listening to them. Maybe Lepond on an off day.

Would you be surprised to know that Russell doesn't really listen to that much heavy metal? Dio is pretty much the heaviest he gets, according to the man himself.

I wouldn't be surpise if he doesn't listen to much metal.I have heard that story before.
in th last interview i heard with Russ he mentioned that he 's listening too much to Zappa lately besides he is a fan of Pink Floyd ... Pinnella hates Nirvana if my memory is still intact (and may be th Blues too i think ... )
See, this is my confusion here. You just made a post bashing on Dragonforce, then all of a sudden a switch flipped and you're annoyed by the negativity? I may be reading things wrong, it just strikes me as odd. Whatever, no harm, no foul.

Thats a valid theory Zach but its my honest belief that a band as phony as the Chipmunks deserved to be called out. Nirvana was just doing their punk influenced thing which with their twist was sorta origional and appealed to their local area and spred out quickly from there because much of the potential audience was dying for something different. The Chipmunks just took tired power metal, sped it up and put tired vocals over it and made their claim to fame as being the fassest fuckers on the face of the earth, as bad as say a milli vanilli

One of the few bands you'll ever hear me trash if not the only, I can get ruff on the old punk bands though

Anyhow Nirvana or the speedy Chipmunks had nothing to do with my point in the one comment. That came from a wider spred evaluation and this is just one of such topics I feel is totally stupid poping up around the site. The other post I was just responding to a post on the topic of speedy Chipmunks cause I just think what they do is cheap as hell, as low as anybody could get.
Thats a valid theory Zach but its my honest belief that a band as phony as the Chipmunks deserved to be called out. Nirvana was just doing their punk influenced thing which with their twist was sorta origional and appealed to their local area and spred out quickly from there because much of the potential audience was dying for something different. The Chipmunks just took tired power metal, sped it up and put tired vocals over it and made their claim to fame as being the fassest fuckers on the face of the earth, as bad as say a milli vanilli

One of the few bands you'll ever hear me trash if not the only, I can get ruff on the old punk bands though

Anyhow Nirvana or the speedy Chipmunks had nothing to do with my point in the one comment. That came from a wider spred evaluation and this is just one of such topics I feel is totally stupid poping up around the site. The other post I was just responding to a post on the topic of speedy Chipmunks cause I just think what they do is cheap as hell, as low as anybody could get.

I think Dragonfore should changed their name to Chipmunks now since it fits perfect for them.
Damn... that seems to be a really quick turn downhill for this thread. Personally, i'd agree with the nirvana thing. to hell with that band, i have grown up my whole life having to hear them and people idolize them for no reason. it sucks.

Oh man for me its like the same thing with The Beatles. Everyone like teachers and kids and everything always do stuff with them and they expect me to know and listen to that stuff
BTW I read some of this thread to Mike on the phone today..he was amused, but didn't have anything he wanted to contribute. :)
BTW I read some of this thread to Mike on the phone today..he was amused, but didn't have anything he wanted to contribute. :)

Jax, if not for public consumption, i would beg of you to PLEASE record some of your phone calls, not to be a voyeur, but to hear the reaction and how much the band members laugh when shit on this forum goes so ridiculously wrong (as it so often does)
They are overrated but only 3 bands are more overrated than the Beatles.
U2,ACDC,and Nirvana are way more overrated than the Beatles.

ACDC? Are you kidding me? We would not have a lot of stuff we have these days without them. They are massively important and very good. U2 has some unique guitar but I'm not crazy about the vocals, and the Beatles... WAY overrated. I almost agree with you on all you said... u2 is a bit overated but they are good, beatles are sooooo overated, but ACDC is not! Nirvana is overrated. yeah! :mad:
ACDC? Are you kidding me? We would not have a lot of stuff we have these days without them. They are massively important and very good. U2 has some unique guitar but I'm not crazy about the vocals, and the Beatles... WAY overrated. I almost agree with you on all you said... u2 is a bit overated but they are good, beatles are sooooo overated, but ACDC is not! Nirvana is overrated. yeah! :mad:

Well I used to like ACDC but the more I listen to them the more I dislike them.
Anything from the world of colorless alternative/grunge would greatly surprise me.

Russell Allen very aptly dubbed it "suede rap with nasal singing".

And the same shitty sound has proliferated into the emo indie pop that dominates popular music today.

If anyone from SX even remotely likes any of this crappola, I'll eat a box of crayons.

And yes....AC/DC is massively overrated. A few good songs, but if you go to a gig, all the songs start to sound the same after a while. Guitarwise adequate but mostly hit-or-miss, ridiculously simplistic basslines, and less than stellar vocals.
See, its just another hate thread, nothing positive or productive about it. Its at least the second by the OP in a month around the site

use of the terms over and under rated are a serious palm plant for this rational mind. Few things in life are certain, one of them is that shit happens and pertaining to that... shit happens for a REASON
See, its just another hate thread, nothing positive or productive about it. Its at least the second by the OP in a month around the site

use of the terms over and under rated are a serious palm plant for this rational mind. Few things in life are certain, one of them is that shit happens and pertaining to that... shit happens for a REASON

This isn't a hate thread.It just a thread that you think would be surpising or odd that Symphony X likes.
And again, you've done nothing but spout venom and ire towards dragonforce, so your judgments on people for saying other bands are awful are extremely hypocritical. Get over it, if you don't like the thread then skip it. I personally think it's funny as shit.