Bass amp sims


Nov 26, 2009
I started using Eleven LE a lot as I got pro tools recently. With a Tube screamer going in I love the tones.

But bass amp wise I neve been too sure, perhps its cos I am not a seasoned bass player. I love Katatonias bass sound. Any hints as I noticed the bass in katatonia really dominates.
I really like POD Farm for bass tones. I´m glad that I bought Mokafix BassRider (BDDI sim) and The Bat (Rat sim) before he closed the store, they sound spot on with the real units and they´re great for bass tones. Not sure how one can buy one of these nowadays, but if you have the chance...
Sometimes running a bass through a guitar amp sim and then using a bass cab impulse (I use Recabinet 3) can give you a good gritty grindy bass for the high-end. Then just lowpass the hell out of a separate DI track and blend it with the other gritty track for one huge bass sound. I do this because I dont have any good bass amp sim that's free on mac, so I cant use Onqel's sim. But it's an option.
One of the best sounding for me... Studio Devil's Bass Amp Pro.
I also like Ampeg, Softube and Onqel's BOD.
AcmeBarGig's BIG is also another great one IMO, has a comp, gate, cab tuning and lots of other goodies, so you dont need to add more to your chain, saves some CPU that way as well.
Do you guys use impulses after the ts7 or the bass driver? I usually don't, just checking :)
Sometimes running a bass through a guitar amp sim and then using a bass cab impulse (I use Recabinet 3) can give you a good gritty grindy bass for the high-end. Then just lowpass the hell out of a separate DI track and blend it with the other gritty track for one huge bass sound. I do this because I dont have any good bass amp sim that's free on mac, so I cant use Onqel's sim. But it's an option.

Im doing that also, the guitar ampsims. Haven't found really great other distortions. Lazy ass as i am.
Recently moved from SVX over to Bass Amp Pro. That 8x10 impulse it defaults to has a mean midrange!

I run BOD into Bass Amp Pro as a rough tracking chain and it sounds amazing! It actually somewhat approximates how it comes up after I reamp the final tone through the PSA-1 too.