Pizzicato Heartstrings
I was going to go see them on the 7th, but there was many a scheduling conflict due to its Thursday date. 

Also, the reason Sanctity didnt play in Milwaukee was cause their tour trailer was stolen
I saw them last thursday in rochester for the first time and they kicked ass. Sanctity kinda sucked, and Gojira was good but I hadnt really heard them before so I couldnt get into them as much. But Bodom was simply amazing, and I even caught Jaska's stick after the show.
Also, the reason Sanctity didnt play in Milwaukee was cause their tour trailer was stolen
Mystique: AMG! July 22!!! That's a day after i saw them!!!!
The first time i saw them was at Unholy Alliance on July 21, 2006. It was fuckin amazing!!!!! I was waiting for months to see them so i was extremely, extremely excited. Anyway, let me start from the top. I went there with my sister and we made it third row cuz we were there from the start. TEB came on and they were super lame but the guitarist smiled at my sister 2 times. A lot of people were being rude and kept saying "bring out your brother." Then during Mastodan, some freakin tall COB fanboi was in my way. I was facing his back and on top of that some perverted guy was trying to grab my ass so i moved. Also people were yelling that it was a cd playing. Then during break, i saw Janne's keys and i was soooo desperate to get to the front. I kept pushing but some chicks kept pushing me back. Then i went through a lot of guys and they let me through. Bodom came on and ALexi did the cutest things on stage. He went over to Janne of course and they were laughing about something, he went over to Henkka's side, smiled and raised his eyebrows. He was showing off his guitaring, spilled water all over himself, and threw his guitar back, acted confused, and pulled it back in the front. OMG, he was shirtless too. He has a nice body. And Henka made eyecontact with me!!!
That's how most hookers travellol...i was hoping to get drunk. but my friend's probally won't let me.
i'm going with 3 guys, and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get there in a trunk.
were you in the front row somewhere or close to the pit?
That's how most hookers travelbut YES, only 13 more days till I get a double dose of Bodom, YA YOW
I can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaitt!!
Ticked off to no end right now. Horrible fucking day and I found out that the only seats left when my friend went to buy them were some shitass in the back row.
Didn't buy them.
Sad day.