Alright, I'll double-post but only cuz I love this thread...
I made several discoveries today while out and about. I wasn't out doing anything in particular, though, and that's weirdly important here as it highlights several awesome discoveries I made while kicking around the area. The owner of the house I currently live in is trying to sell the house (don't worry, I've got a backup plan) and I needed to be out for a while as some people were coming to scope out the joint.
So, I did what I usually do... check places for new beer! Since I'm near Ayotte's in Hudson, NH, I thought "why not?" Well, today I discovered a new brewery that does $9 six packs of
motherfucking cans! Enter
Great North Aleworks, a brewery located in Manchester, NH that I
definitely need to keep an eye on, as this is a rauchbier available year-round! Granted, it does use American ale yeast (California, actually, which is one of my favorite strains in homebrewing!), not lager yeast... but the flavor is pure Bamberg. Nice solid beechwood smoke and mild grassy/herbal hop notes with a beautiful deep orange/rusty copper color to top it all off. This is SO GOOD! They also have a West Coast style IPA and a Robust Vanilla Porter in canned sixers for the
same damn price, and the design is on-fucking-point. I'm so down for this! What a deal. Check it:
On the way back to my place, I was kind of stuck behind a few school buses and was irritated by how long it was taking. To my left I noticed a thrift store that advertised "CDs" so I, taking my restlessness into account, banged a hard left and parked. Dude's CD game was pure shit but wandering over to the tape section, I caught sight of Atrocity's
Hallucinations... "no way," I thought. Digging behind a few shelves and getting mildly intimate with the stacks of tapes (I probably looked nuts to the 3-4 people in there at any one time), I managed to procure a satisfactory haul. Don't believe me? See for yourselves...
If you didn't see this already on Facebook... I got all these for five bucks. 5 DOLLAH. TOTAL. WHAT NOW.
All in all it wasn't a bad day.