I'm a Germanic heathen. Basically it's the same as Asatru but I live in the Netherlands so I like to name my belief in my own language and worship the gods of my own grounds.
@ Vampyrian
How can you judge something you have absolutely no knowledge of? Sure, there may not be any full scientific evidence for the excistence of gods or other higher beings, but this leads tot the only possible conclusion: we can't be sure if they excist. That's why it's a matter of
Also, one doesn't chose to believe in something. One simply does or doesnt. It seems like the only religion you know anyting of is christianity. But values that belong to religions of Semitic origin differ a LOT from those of Indo-European origin. Germanic heathens don't lay their fate in the hands of the gods, they are responsible for their own deeds. The Christian God watches over his sheep, but pagans don't have a shepherd like that. We live the way of nature, we don't stay between fences but explore life, afterlife and all in between.
Like you I don't agree with people blowing them selves up among other people who think different. I hate their disrespect towards other peoples beliefs, I hate the way they have knowledge of 'the only truth', just like you think you know the truth: that there is no thing beyond mortal flesh and everyone who thinks something else is wrong.
What is truth? There are as many truths as there are people for truth is empiric. We may assumethat people can recognise thruth at the moment they behold or experience it. However, everybodies experience is diffirent and so differs everybody's truth.
So, not religion itself is bad, but the conviction that you hold THE truth and that everybody should be converted to that truth.
I already know that when I die, may my soul be carried to Valhalla, that's no question.
Isn't it? This sounds a bit conceited to me, that at this point you can already tell with such centainty you've earned your place among the gods in Valhalla.
A hero as great as Siegfried went to Hel, even Wodans own son Baldr couldn't stay in Valhalla after is death. Tell me, what have you done in life so far, that you can be so sure Hella's realm won't be yours once you've died?
@Alec Walter Conway
And thats another thing I like about pagan religions : you practice in whatever way you want, whatever way you think is best, whatever way makes the most sense to you. So in some way, everybody is a pagan, even atheists and agnostics : they're just being pagan in their own way like everyone has a right to, but their way consists in doing and believing in nothing at all.
That's one major misunderstanding made very often nowadays. Our ancestors did have strict rules regarding different cults, rituals and the worship of the gods. Asatru is a traditional pagan religion where traditions ofcourse, play a big role.
For people who don't mind traditions that much, who don't care to find out about pre-Christian paganism, for those who just want to believe in whatever suits them and practice whatever they like; Please just call yourself neopagan or something like that.
Oh and, I don't pray to anyone, or anything. I relate to concepts and idea, I honor ancestors and the Gods in my own ways, but I don't pray. Praying, kneeling, thats for the masses.
Praying is just one way of communicating with the gods, I don't see why anything would be wrong with that. On the contrary; among pagans, it is very much aimed to strenghten your bond with the gods. The same for kneeling. I don't like the Christian 'kneeling pose' with the head down, showing how much unworthy and such we people are, but I have no ploblem with the Indo-European custom; close to the earth, with head and hand directed towards the sky. We are not unworthy, we're just not a powerful as the gods.
I hope I could make myselve clear, it's always more difficult writing in another language than my native one.