Bendeth Calls Out Sturgis #epic #shitstorm #podtact #podtactless #cats

as douchey and immature as he can get over social media/facebook/whatever shit talking, i just thought it would be worth mentioning that neither joey's parents or anyone else ever bought a damned thing for him. hate on his style and the bands he works with all you want...god knows i wish he'd give that bullshit up and go back to his death/grind drumming roots, but the dude has legit worked his ass off for everything he has, and still does to this day. even if he's charging dudes $40/track to run their DI's thru his POD presets, he's still at it for 16 hours a in and day out, for a solid decade.

in fact, not only was he not given anything, but he assumed the debt that someone else had incurred on thousands of dollars' worth of gear for the right to use their shit, and worked his dick off to pay their bills, all the while living in the same garage he was recording in. he didn't have to sleep there, have zero social life, and live off of caffeine and taco bell for years and years, but he did - because he's a talented mother fucker who immersed himself 100% into what he had going on.

run your mouth all you want about how stupidly he might be handling this situation(and others), but please know what you're talking about when you do...

This wasnt a stab at joey specifically, just most "young - im a fucking badass and all the emo bands love me" producers out there. These kids think they can use presets and samples on everything and call it mixing .....

How about we put them in a room with a Tape Machine, An Analog Console, Some real outboard gear without presets, a real drum set, and some mics and see how they do.....
this thread won't get closed unless someone gets out of line ... so far, no one has and in fact, there's a good chance every derogatory comment about Nick will guarantee at least another page of allowance

We can always rehash some old stuff ...... I still have all the old photoshops from the epic SSL, and EZDrummer thread :)

There's nothing special about Putney's status - he posted something saying "internet producer wars" and tagged his production friends, and then about 10-12 of us took turns talking shit about each other as a joke.
There's nothing special about Putney's status - he posted something saying "internet producer wars" and tagged his production friends, and then about 10-12 of us took turns talking shit about each other as a joke.

Was still funny as hell though.

Nick, dont get your panties in a bunch over this. Go make your money. The true test of "making it" is when people talk shit.

Its all in good fun, at least from my end.
There's nothing special about Putney's status - he posted something saying "internet producer wars" and tagged his production friends, and then about 10-12 of us took turns talking shit about each other as a joke.

Yep, just seen it. Thought it was about will joining the ranting thing.

There's also a capture of some joey status that I cannot believe it to be true on that conversation.
Haha, i think im in love with Joey Sturgis.. i might actually buy one of his records.
This stuff right here man, pure gold! :lol:
arent all of Joeys "big" bands going to a "real" producer now? Id be kinda pissed. Its like band is saying, we are too good for you Joey just go and keep mixing demos.
I remember the guys from Bullet for my valentine saying how theyre going with a new producer "With all due respect to Colin, he's not a record producer - he's an engineer." damn

But isn't that the nature of the beast, really?

That's what happens all the time. Musicians always think only they contributed to their success and forget everyone else very quickly to work with someone else. If you are a producer/engineer, one of the first lessons to learn is to not expect long working relationships with any bands. Just expect to do one project and only even that once the contract is inked and the deposit is paid. Most bands just move on very quickly.

How about we put them in a room with a Tape Machine, An Analog Console, Some real outboard gear without presets, a real drum set, and some mics and see how they do.....

The idea that producers/engineers who use/operate the mentioned equipment are in any way superior (pun intended) to ITB kids is disproved by the legions of producers/engineers who use/operate the mentioned equipment and put out horrible productions - both sonically and content-wise. Gear doesn't mean shit - and it never did.