

Sep 13, 2003
I posted about this awhile back, but it was before the lounge got started, so it was off-topic (sorry about that!). But I was wondering what people thought about the upcoming "Beowulf" movie. It looks pretty solid to me. I am still not 100% sold on that animation style but I have no doubt I will enjoy the movie. I like the Grendel character (oddly, I've never read John Gardner's book, though), he falls into that whole "sympathetic monster, BUT HE IS STILL A MONSTER" style that I like. The fact that a NC-17 cut exists that will no doubt make it to DVD is awesome to me. I'll be waiting for someone to re-score scenes from this movie with power metal tunes and upload it to YouTube.
yeah, i'll probably wait for a dvd release on this one. I rarely make it out to the movies these days. And this one simply looks like a very long video game trailer. *shrug* Sorry.

On the other hand, I am looking forward to Stephen King's The MIST. :zombie: ...yeah, I'm a sucker for 'monster' movies. And this one looks like it's right up my alley. Never read the book - never knew it existed in fact. :oops: But I am anxious to see this movie.
I *love* the epic poem. But, if Angelina Jolie is Grendel's mother...:ill:

My sentiments exactly. I was under the impression Grendel's mother was a hag, or something similar. So unless they make Angelina Jolie look horrific, I don't think it's going to work.

I'm afraid this movie might be very, very disappointing. Sort of like Troy. While I enjoyed that movie, there were so many things about it that made me say "That's not how it went in the poem!!!"
Sort of like Troy. While I enjoyed that movie, there were so many things about it that made me say "That's not how it went in the poem!!!"

Really? Was it the complete lack of mention of any and all Greek Gods throughout the movie? Or was it simply the 3 hour glorification of brad pitts ass?
Grendel and Grendel's Mother were great big monsters in the text -- the archetype for the "knight" slaying the "dragon"... I don't know how they can justify portraying them as humans in the movie, unless they didn't understand the text at all.

That being said, the movie looks like it's very well-cast, and could be surprisingly good.
What the hell is the point of animating if you make the characters look exactly like they do live? You have to pay them anyway for the voice overs. Just shoot the freaking movie.
I thought that it was just the environments being all digital? Like in 300? Is everything digital? That starts to make less sense, unless its completely a special effects/money saver??

As for the movie I am looking forward to it. I think it will be good. When I first saw images of the movie I thought 'A God of War movie?' I really feel that they are using the Grendel imagery because it is familiar, to tell a somewhat different story. I have no problems with this, as the story of Beowulf that we are familiar with is based on one version written down by christians. Its too hard to say how many different stories of Beowful and Grendel were told in the light of campfires.

Has anybody else seen the Beowul movie starring Gerard Butler? This was a very good movie as well, and also humanized Grendel. But did so very effectively. Its not an amazing movie, but its good. I've never seen the Beowul movie with Christopher Lambert. And based on the scripts Lambert tends to accept, I probably will continue to avoid it (besides Highlander movies the only other ones with him that I recall liking were Mortal Kombat, and The Fortress).
Really? Was it the complete lack of mention of any and all Greek Gods throughout the movie? Or was it simply the 3 hour glorification of brad pitts ass?

More or less. That, and they made all the characters seem brave and noble, when they really weren't. There are other things, but it's been awhile since I've read The Illiad that I can't quite remember names that go with events, so I can't give other concrete examples. :(
Well its main issue was that it didn't give an accurate portrayal of just how long that battle went on.

And it wasn't just the Illiad. As in the Illiad the final stroke of the battle doesn't take place.

But I enjoyed the movie.

Not having the God's talking was somewhat missed, but understandable.
I'm surprised all of you didn't realize how the movie was made as that's pretty much all the hype about the movie.

made using a special technique of digitally enhanced live action (utilizing, among other technologies, an advanced form of motion capture
Polar Express was made using the same technique.

Neil Gaiman co-wrote the screenplay which automatically gives this movie bonus points for me. They said they wanted to focus on the in between scenes that the poem never addresses.
That opened a can of worms.

Incidentally, Grendel's mom looks monstrous, she is using enchantment to look more-or-less human.
Has anybody else seen the Beowul movie starring Gerard Butler? This was a very good movie as well, and also humanized Grendel. But did so very effectively. Its not an amazing movie, but its good.

Oddly enough, I think I saw that one on DVD at Wal-Mart yesterday. I was startled for a sec, thinking that maybe the TV ad I'd seen was for a direct-to-DVD release. :)

Really? Was it the complete lack of mention of any and all Greek Gods throughout the movie? Or was it simply the 3 hour glorification of brad pitts ass?

I thought it was funny how Patroclus suddenly became Achilles' "cousin." Yeah, uh-huh. :heh:
On the other hand, I am looking forward to Stephen King's The MIST. :zombie: ...yeah, I'm a sucker for 'monster' movies. And this one looks like it's right up my alley. Never read the book - never knew it existed in fact. :oops: But I am anxious to see this movie.


It's King's best short story (and it's a 'long' short story). You can find it in the 'Skeleton Crew' anthology. I'm a huge King fan, and I readily admit that most of his work doesn't translate well to film. That's doubly true for his short stories (proven over and over by dreck like the Lawnmower Man, 'based' off of a 15 page story and just horrible). However, I'm really looking forward to this one as well.

Steve in Philly

Obligatory on topic sentence: I think Beowulf has potential. It'll likely suck, and I'll likely see it anyway.

It's King's best short story (and it's a 'long' short story). You can find it in the 'Skeleton Crew' anthology. I'm a huge King fan, and I readily admit that most of his work doesn't translate well to film. That's doubly true for his short stories (proven over and over by dreck like the Lawnmower Man, 'based' off of a 15 page story and just horrible). However, I'm really looking forward to this one as well.

Steve in Philly

Obligatory on topic sentence: I think Beowulf has potential. It'll likely suck, and I'll likely see it anyway.

Agreed on every point. The Mist, though, looks like it might actually be good... Beowulf, I'll probably skip. Never cared much for the story (I know, I know... bad English major :Smug:), so I don't know that the movie will do it for me regardless of how good it is.

I also tend to avoid many things "based on" historical events, as they never get it right and I can't enjoy the movie for thinking "that's not how it happened" (same problem with a LOT of King movies).
