The Mist - Movie

Some GOOD adaptations:

The best, by far: "The Body", made into 'Stand By Me'. I have a firm belief that it isn't horror that King does so well, but characters (especially chirldren). There is no horror in this story or movie, but that doesn't stop it from being a great Stephen King movie.

Right up there is '"The Shawshank Redempetion'. This stuck very close to the book and was an excellent movie.

The Green Mile - A little long, but very representative of the book(s). Not as good as the other two, but still worthwhile.

Steve in Philly
I don't get how some unknown script writer can feel justified changing a story by somebody like Stephen King, or Alexander Dumas. C'mon! Do you really think you can do it better than they did? Why don't you write your own novel then instead of fucking up a great book?
Really looking forward to checking this out. The novella is one of my favorite Stephen King stories and the previews I've seen appear faithful to it. I suppose in the shorter stories, it's easier to not have to omit as many details than it is for longer novels.

I don't get how some unknown script writer can feel justified changing a story by somebody like Stephen King, or Alexander Dumas. C'mon! Do you really think you can do it better than they did? Why don't you write your own novel then instead of fucking up a great book?

Oh...God. Don't get me started on the movie versions of The Three Muskateers. So...much...rage...

I always liked watching the movie verson of Pet Cemetery. How does that measure up to King's novel? And what about Silver Bullet?
I got a chance to see a screening of "The Mist" tonight. This movie is excellent! I don't want to spoil it, but even though the effects are computer generated the story and acting are so well done, you honestly feel like you are trapped alongside the people in the supermarket. When things start to hit the fan you will probably scream "oh shit" a couple times. The movie just works and the ending rules.
You aren't the one that reviewed "Shoot Em Up" and said it was awesome as well are you?

Yes I was. "Shoot'Em Up" was a great movie for what it was. If you were expecting "Terms of Endearment" well I'm sorry. I still say it has the best stunts and action of any action movie. It's even better then "Hitman", and all the other countless movies that are truely bad because they all kill the same stupid no name people throughout the movie, but try to make up some kind of bullshit plot that doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the end anyway.

Shoot'Em Up understands what it is, does it with style and the thrill of a rollercoaster ride, and manages to laugh at itself all the same. Instead of these other movies in the same genere that don't have the wild entertaining stunts and want you to take it seriously that Jason Stratham or Jet Li is going to save the world from some secret Yakuza orginization from China instead of Japan operating in Paris. I'd much rather see someone kill a guy with a carrot through the eye socket like in "Shoot'Em Up".

Anyway "The Mist" is a good movie, but like Levar Burton says "you don't have to take my word for it".
I'll bet this movie would have ten times the desired effect...if a seriously thick fog developed outside, after it started. It'd be funny to see the audience walk out of the theater afterward. :lol:
while some of you were checking out 'Enchanted' today (which I want to take Karen to see), Patrick and I went to the first showing this morning of The MIST.


everything Entrerie posted was true - damn true. If you like suspense tinged with a bit of scary horror, go see this movie. Nothing disappointed me about this Stephen King adaptation (granted, I haven't read the novella yet). A couple of things may have been a little predictable, but much more definitely was NOT. :zombie: And that ending - holy crap - was worth the price of admission alone.

:notworthy @ the entire cast and crew of The MIST.
I was looking forward to The Mist, and saw it last night - I loved it. Even though I'm often disappointed by King movie adaptations, this one hit on all cylinders. It might have been a tad slow ramping up, but once it did it was a great show. There was one deviation from the story, but even that didn't ruin the movie. In fact, I liked this deviation even more than the original plot point.

Highly recommended!

Steve in Philly
If I were in the movie, I'd have DEMANDED to be the one who pulled the trigger to end that awful awful woman. Whether it was done with intent or not, The Mist certainly shows how similar many people are to cattle. All in all, it was incredibly suspensful but equally as frustrating at the same time. Pretty interesting ending, too.
When I was about 8 years old, my mom had a copy of this on cassette tape in surround sound.
Oh hell yeah, I heard that same tape when I was a's binaural audio, which is like "3-D" sound. I was amazed and completely captivated, my sister loved it too...kinda wish I had it. But I'm really stoked to see the movie...Tom Jane is a badass actor, and the screenplay was by Frank Darabont who did brilliant adaptations for Shawshank and Green Mile.