Night is the New Day was mediocre compared to the rest of Katatonia's material.
The Chasm being overrated is funny. Overrated by whom? The 500 people that bought the album straight from Daniel Corchado since they don't have a label?
I don't like Ildjarn. The people that like his music overrate it.
Not as overrated as Black Future
Indeed. (But not as mediocre as Great Cold, which is easily their only lame record.)
either your out of your mind or REALLY fail at metal.
what I meant is they have had a quality stream of music in the past 10 years.Manilla Road has been around longer than Iron Maiden, kind of a strange thing to say about them.
i dont know about all that revolutionary-groundbreaking stuff, but Black Future along with Hexens State Of Insurgency and Skeletonwitch's Beyond The Permafrost is easily one of the best thrash metal albums to come out in the last 10+ years, which automatically voids it from even being mentioned in the same sentence as the word overrated.
Hexen and Skeletonwitch? lol. might as well say Warbringer and Evile too. Vektor is the only worthwhile thing you mentioned.