Best album cover ever?

That under the best album covers? You must be fucking kidding me.
lets be honest bro most metal album covers suck to anyone whose capability to appreciate art extends beyond "looks METAL!!"
no i seriously think most metal album covers look like they were created by someone who never matured beyond a mental age about 15. "hell yea dude lets get some swords in there and some skulls and vikings and shit, fuckin metal dude"
apparently some site didnt like me leeching their images so heres some more that shouldve showed up before



Wait, are you posting front cover art of your favorite albums, or do you simply like abstractions of this sort?

I'm not familiar with these three.
i just like the album art.....:confused:

first one is olivia tremor control - black foliage: animation music vol. 1, second is autechre - untilted