Best album cover ever?

One of the first metal albums I bought and still one of my favorite covers:

No man they actually snapped a photo of a black guy raping a white woman with a big nuclear explosion in the back, and that text just appeared and so did the logo.

No shit it's a Photoshop.
No man they actually snapped a photo of a black guy raping a white woman with a big nuclear explosion in the back, and that text just appeared and so did the logo.

No shit it's a Photoshop.
no, really?

I meant, a photoshop of the original album cover. Duh.
Anything by :
Dan Seagrave (Decrepit Birth, Suffocation, Pestilence, Entombed, Dismember, Morbid Angel)

John Dyer Baizley (Baroness, Pig Destroyer, Darkest Hour)

Florian Bertmer (Agraphobic Nosebleed, Converge)

Ed Repka (Death, Megadeth, Evildead, Nuclear Assault, Vio-lence, Possessed)

is great.